2015-16 ‘Mission Talk’ series kicks off Sept. 2

Aug 27, 2015

The first Mission Talk of the 2015-2016 academic year is coming up next week at noon, Wednesday, Sept. 2 in the Tarcisia Roths, ASC Alumni Center, located on the second floor of the Dugan Library and Campus Center.

Plan to attend this first talk, “Tanzania: ASC Mission,” which will be presented by Director of Development for Sciences and Health Sciences Therese Wetta, ASC and Susan Welsby, ASC. Welsby will join the Newman Board of Trustees in September.

This year, the focus for each Mission Talk centers around the topic of ASC ministries around the globe, with an emphasis on social justice issues.

Director of Mission Effectiveness and Archives Charlotte Rohrbach, ASC said the Mission Learning Task Force, a group that assists her in planning mission effectiveness activities, suggested this theme for the Mission Talks.

The Tanzania talk was chosen to be first on the agenda not only because of its strong ties to the ministries around the globe theme, but also because of the Tanzanian service project that the Class of 2019 and many other students, staff, faculty, and families helped with recently.

“This service project involved the assembling of over 50,000 packages of food,” Rohrbach said. “It was then shipped to the ASC mission in Tanzania over the weekend.”

A large number of students participated in this service event and were informed of the goal of the ASC mission in Tanzania. Rohrbach hopes that leading with this topic for the first Mission Talk will attract participants of the event and continue to create an interest in the Tanzanian mission project.

To make a reservation for the talk, contact Rohrbach at [email protected] or at 316-942-4291, ext. 2167. The first 40 to make reservations will receive a complimentary buffet lunch before the event.
