High school seniors get to know Newman

Feb 21, 2019
senior day

The path to the next clue is short and sweet, but make sure to look both ways before crossing the street. Named after our university president, students have an opportunity here to become Wichita residents.

That was just one of many clues given to area high school seniors who visited the Newman University campus Monday, Feb. 18.

The clues were part of a new interactive method that allowed the students to get to know campus a little better instead of being led by a staff member on yet another college campus tour.

Admissions Counselor Emma Lacy said the idea for a campus scavenger hunt was a collective one. After discussing with her co-workers about the need for ways to engage students in the campus visit process, the interactive tour seemed perfect.

The visiting seniors checked in at the Mabee Dining Hall where they were treated to lunch and were able to sit amongst current Newman students.

After lunch, the 52 visiting seniors were divided into groups by major interest and given a few tasks: introduce themselves to their teammates, come up with a team name as a group and get their phones out and ready.

Each team received their first clue, which led them to different buildings and locations around campus. Once they found their destination, they met with current staff and students who gave the students details about that specific space. The students then had to prove they were there by taking a selfie with their phones.

Newman University cheer and dance members help visiting high school seniors during an interactive scavenger hunt.

Lacy said there were a few different categories for winners.

First-place team members received Newman notebooks. “Best Picture” won Newman sunglasses. There was even a prize for “exceptional team leaders.”

“We hope the students saw the Newman campus full of energy,” said Lacy. “And we hope they made connections with other prospective students while getting any lingering questions answered.”

While the students were running around campus, visiting parents were able to meet with Director of Financial Aid Myra Pfannenstiel to learn more about what to expect as their students transition to college.

Lacy added heartfelt thanks to all the Newman staff and students who helped make the day a success.

“The faculty and staff support was what made this event possible. Kelly McFall, Ami Larrea, Huachuan Wen, Teresa Vetter, Jeff Vaughn, Meg Trumpp, David Cochran and Ryan Huschka held academic sessions. Brandy Muncy and her cheerleaders held an athletic session.

“Our student ambassadors gave dorm tours, Joseph Shepard and his Diversity Roundtable ambassadors helped with diversity and student life sessions, the financial aid office did a great job with the financial aid Q&A session and Deanne (Zogleman) and the troubadours gave a great mini show!”
