Newman Welcomes High School Visitors – Kansas Private College Week

May 29, 2008

Contributed by Director of Editorial Services Ken Arnold

Newman University is one of 18 private institutions of higher learning in the state that will take part in Kansas Private College Week, June 2-6. The week was declared by Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to celebrate the wide range of choices among the state’s independent colleges and universities.

During the week, high school students and their guests are encouraged to visit one or more of Kansas independent colleges to explore the opportunities for higher learning they offer. Newman University Dean of Admissions John Clayton, M.Ed. said several students have already signed up for a visit to Newman and he expects that several more will make appointments before the week of visits officially begins on June 2.

Each year, more than 23,000 students from across the nation enroll at private Kansas colleges. These institutions annually award 19 percent of the state’s bachelor’s degrees and 29 percent of the state’s master’s degrees. Collectively, the schools award more than $57 million in institutional grants and scholarships each year.

Of the 200,000 living alumni of Kansas independent colleges, about half live and work in Kansas. The state’s private institutions are major employers in many smaller communities and offer residents a wide variety of cultural and community education events. Kansas independent colleges are also a source of financial support to the communities in which they serve with annual budgets totaling a quarter of a billion dollars.

For more information on visiting Newman, click here. For more information about Kansas Private College Week, click here.
