Newman hosted a State-Wide Packaging Event (SWIPE) sponsored by Numana on Saturday, March 29. Volunteers watched an informational video in Performance Hall in the De Mattias Fine Arts Center and then moved to the Dugan-Gorges Conference Center to package the food.

Numana is a non-profit international hunger relief organization based in in El Dorado, Kan. Since 2008, they have packaged over 29 million meals from coast to coast with the help of over 170,000 volunteers.
Numana Partnership Developer Ashley Roedel said, “Newman University’s event welcomed people from all different back grounds, and truly showed what working together can accomplish. They packaged over 30,000 meals in just three hours.
“Meals from this event will benefit Yo Soy Nosotros (I Am Us). They provide food and medical services to thousands of children and mothers throughout the Barranquilla area in Colombia. Through funding from generous donors and a working relationship with the government, Yo Soy Nosotros is able to provide on-going support to schools and communities. They feed approximately 13,000 children per day!” Roedel said.
Visit Facebook to view a gallery of photos from the event: