New ‘Brown Bag Lunch Series’ offers valuable insight for students

Sep 24, 2018
brown bag

Debbie Haslam, coordinator of early intervention and testing services, is offering a new “Brown Bag Lunch Series” for students at noon in the Mabee Dining Center’s conference room. The talks are also open to staff and faculty. The sessions are free to attend and conveniently located in the dining hall so that attendees can bring their lunch and settle in for a short 30- to 45-minute presentation.

The series began Friday, Sept. 21, with a presentation on time management. Haslam said topics will focus on exams, studying, relationship building, and managing stress and anxiety.

“I started this series because I wanted to give students tools they can use in their everyday lives in order to be more successful,” said Haslam. “It’s always easier to approach things when you have that knowledge base. You’re less stressed and can deal with situations with more confidence.”

brown bag
Debbie Haslam talks to students about time management.

Haslam said her office, Student Support Services, tried to present a similar series last year, but all within one week.

“That was too much for the students. It wasn’t efficient for them and they were having a hard time coming to everything they wanted to attend. So I decided to move the series to once per month.”

Students who attended the first presentation said they found the information extremely relateable and useful.

Haley Albers, junior, said after attending the first session, she would recommend the series to her peers.

“I think the talks will help students get the tools they need to be more successful in the classroom and in their personal life,” said Albers. “For this one specifically, how to eliminate distractions. A lot of college students like naps and Netflix — myself included. I think the series is definitely worth the time.”

The series will include four more presentations and will take place at noon in the Mabee Dining Center:

  • Oct. 26 — Study Skills
  • Nov. 16 — Exam Skills
  • Feb. 15 — Relationship Building
  • April 26 — Stress Management

For more information, contact Haslam at (316) 942-4291, ext. 2319 or
