Honors Freshman Seminar – Class Visit

The Honors Program at Newman University empowers high-achieving students to transform society.  Together, we build a strong community, hone our academic skills, learn more about our earth and the people on it, engage with the world outside Newman's campus, and link current students with honors alums and future honors students.  Our graduates become active citizens, succeed in… Continue reading Honors Freshman Seminar – Class Visit

ePortfolio Showcase

Dugan Gorges Conference Center 3100 McCormick, Wichita, United States

Navigator ePortfolio Showcase for Destination Check students. All of Newman is welcome to come and view what the students have done with their ePortfolios.

Mission Talk & Food Drive – Overcoming food scarcity in Wichita

Tarcisia Roths ASC Alumni Center 3100 E. McCormick, Wichita, KS, United States

Newman faculty, staff and students are invited to join us for a mission talk about overcoming food scarcity in Wichita. Alumna Kathleen Webb, executive director of Children First: CEO Kansas, Inc. will present "Don't Limit God" on Wednesday, Nov. 20 at noon in the Alumni Center. Guests are encouraged to bring a food item to… Continue reading Mission Talk & Food Drive – Overcoming food scarcity in Wichita

Honors Freshman Seminar – Class Visit

The Honors Program at Newman University empowers high-achieving students to transform society.  Together, we build a strong community, hone our academic skills, learn more about our earth and the people on it, engage with the world outside Newman's campus, and link current students with honors alums and future honors students.  Our graduates become active citizens, succeed in… Continue reading Honors Freshman Seminar – Class Visit

First Friday in Steckline Gallery – Ashley Streid 

Steckline Gallery 3100 McCormick, Wichita, KS, United States

Join us for a First Friday reception for artist Ashley Streid’s "Kansas: In Living Color" exhibition! Light refreshments will be provided. Streid's artwork is a reflection of her journey through self-discovery with themes of resilience, growth, and finding beauty within the seemingly ordinary. Every photo challenges viewers to think of Kansas as more than a… Continue reading First Friday in Steckline Gallery – Ashley Streid