Mass for Life

Sacred Heart Hall - Newman University 3100 E. McCormick, Wichita, KS, United States

On January 22nd, Campus Ministry will celebrate Mass to pray for the unborn and for the end to abortion. After Mass, a Pro-Life speaker will come in to talk about… Continue reading Mass for Life

DBA Residency

Dugan Library 3100 W. McCormick, Wichita, KS

The DBA Residency is part of a three-day experience for the cohorts of the Doctor of Business Administration to gather. (Located in the Dugan Alumni Reception area, Dugan Conference Center… Continue reading DBA Residency

Mixer of Mindfulness

Tarcisia Roths ASC Alumni Center 3100 E. McCormick, Wichita, KS, United States

At our Mixer of Mindfulness event, we want to focus on appreciating ourselves as we are. Join us for snacks, hot chocolate, affirmations, and a performance from the Sloppy Joes!

Feast of St. Brigid

Tarcisia Roths ASC Alumni Center 3100 E. McCormick, Wichita, KS, United States

Staff and faculty are invited to celebrate the feast of St. Brigid with beer and a baked potato bar!