Sunday Mass
Sunday Mass
Join the Newman University community for Sunday Mass in St. John’s Chapel. Confessions are heard from 6:00-6:50 PM and Mass begins at 7:00 PM.
Join the Newman University community for Sunday Mass in St. John’s Chapel. Confessions are heard from 6:00-6:50 PM and Mass begins at 7:00 PM.
Earn the Global Seal of Biliteracy! The Global Seal of Biliteracy Exam is slated for Monday, January 29, from 4-8 PM in BGSC 104, in cooperation with the KATSP Sunflower Chapter (Kansas Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese). Cost is $40, and multiple languages are offered. The link below has the sign-up code and… Continue reading Global Seal of Biliteracy Testing
Students, faculty and staff, experience the joy of painting with a Certified Ross Instructor! You'll feel your stress melt away while you watch Derese McAbee fill out her canvas as if by magic. This event is sponsored by the Mental Health Advocacy Team. Questions? Email [email protected].
Week two of Priscilla Shirer’s 7-session journey through the life and times of the prophet Elijah. Alumni Group Bible Study meets on Monday nights from 6:00-7:15 in the Alumni Center. Discover how the fire on Mount Carmel was forged in the valley of famine — and how the emboldened, fiery faith you desire is being… Continue reading Alumni Group Bible Study – Week 2
Students are welcome to join the ASC Sisters for a free and delicious Spaghetti Supper at The Landing (across from Carrocci Hall)! We hope to see you there. Questions about this event? Please contact Sister Therese Wetta, ext. 2167.
Join Newman University's events coordinator Abbi Timmermeyer to learn how to enhance your on-campus events. This lunch and learn is recommended for anyone who hosts events on campus to learn industry-leading trends, tips and steps to plan your events. Light refreshments will be provided, please feel free to bring your own lunch. Hope to see… Continue reading Enhance Your Events: Lunch and Learn
The Spring 2024 Mixer is a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow students, faculty, and professionals in the dynamic fields of business and technology. Get ready to network, exchange ideas, and have a great time! Don't miss out on this amazing event hosted by Newman University's School of Business & Technology. See you there! 5:00… Continue reading Welcome Meet & Business Mixer
Join us each and every Wednesday for Campus Ministry Night! We gather in the Sacred Heart Hall Living Room (basement) to build a supportive faith community through spiritual formation and fun!
From Feb. 1-16, students can submit their essay, graphic art and TikTok responses to the question "What advice would St. Maria or St. Newman give to you students living in today's world?" Out of all entries, three winners (of any category) will receive prizes for their work. Submissions are due at 11:59 p.m. Feb. 16.
Join us at noon in St. John’s Chapel to kick off Heritage Month with a Mass in honor of St. Maria De Mattias, founder of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ! Then join us for a lunch of Italian food and birthday cake in Mabee Dining Center, sponsored by Campus Ministry.
Join us for Art for Lunch — a chance to enjoy lunch and hear from the featured artist — every Thursday before the First Friday of the month. Art for Lunch is at noon in the Steckline Gallery. This month's featured artist is Lauren Fitzgerald presenting her work, "Symbiosis." **Pizza will be offered for Newman… Continue reading Art For Lunch
Join us for Jet Friday donuts from 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the Fugate Student Center located inside the Student Success Center! This week's donuts are generously sponsored by Larry Straub. Don't forget to wear your Newman Jets gear. Go Jets!
All students are invited to join Campus Ministry in celebrating a Catholic feast day at 12:30 PM (following Mass). We’ll meet in the student center to enjoy lunch and some presentation or activity to celebrate!
Community members are invited to First Friday in the Steckline Gallery, 5-7 p.m. every first Friday of the month in Steckline Gallery. This month's featured artist is Lauren Fitzgerald presenting her work, "Symbiosis."
Join the Newman University community for Sunday Mass in St. John’s Chapel. Confessions are heard from 6:00-6:50 PM and Mass begins at 7:00 PM.
Students, look out for clues in the Jet Broadcast and search campus for the Newman Medallion Feb. 5-9. The first person to find it and turn it in to the Academic Affairs office (third floor Sacred Heart Hall) wins a prize!
Week three of Priscilla Shirer’s 7-session journey through the life and times of the prophet Elijah. Alumni Group Bible Study meets on Monday nights from 6:00-7:15 in the Alumni Center.
Join us in the Dugan Library Macias gathering space for this come-and-go grad fair Feb. 7! This graduate fair is open to all: - Students planning to graduate this academic year! - Faculty who need regalia! - Staff who need regalia! See event flyer for additional details Questions about this event? Please contact Melanie Flanagan… Continue reading Spring Graduate Fair
Join us each and every Wednesday for Campus Ministry Night! We gather in the Sacred Heart Hall Living Room (basement) to build a supportive faith community through spiritual formation and fun!
Student Life invites you to be part of the Martin Luther King Jr. Distinguished Service Award ceremony on February 8th from 4-5 p.m. which will be held at the Dugan Conference Center. This event honors Newman community members among students, faculty and staff who demonstrate a solid commitment to fostering positive change, promoting inclusivity, and… Continue reading MLK Jr. Distinguished Service Award ceremony
All are welcome to join us for our annual collaboration event to celebrate the Lunar New Year! This event is brought to you by the Multicultural Leadership Organization, Asian Student Association and Gaming Club. Questions about this event? Please email [email protected].
Join us for a donut on Jet Friday, 8:30-10 a.m.! This week's donuts are generously sponsored by the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) committee. Don't forget to wear your Newman Jets gear. Go Jets!
Join the Newman University community for Sunday Mass in St. John’s Chapel. Confessions are heard from 3:15-3:50 PM and Mass begins at 4:00 PM.
Week four of Priscilla Shirer’s 7-session journey through the life and times of the prophet Elijah. Alumni Group Bible Study meets on Monday nights from 6:00-7:15 in the Alumni Center.
Join us as alumna Dr. J. Michelle Vann presents an overview of Black History Month during a special luncheon. Dr. Vann is a featured TEDx speaker and international presenter as well as an Amazon bestselling author of books that help women heal their minds, bodies, and spirits. She is a community servant at heart, serving… Continue reading Beyond February: Unearthing Hidden Gems in Black History
Join us each and every Wednesday for Campus Ministry Night! We gather in the Sacred Heart Hall Living Room (basement) to build a supportive faith community through spiritual formation and fun!
Save lives; participate in the Newman University Blood Drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 16 in the Dugan-Gorges Conference Center! All donors will receive a $20 Amazon E-Gift Card from the American Red Cross. Plus, each donor also gets to enter the NUMPC (Newman University Medical Professionals Club) raffle to win prizes… Continue reading Newman Blood Drive
Join us for a donut on Jet Friday, 8:30-10 a.m.! This week's donuts are generously sponsored by CAB/Student Life. Don't forget to wear your Newman Jets gear. Go Jets!
Brad Richards from the Kansas African American Museum joins us to explore the wealth of black inventors and their integral contributions as part of our Black History Month celebration. Lunch provided. RSVP requested; please RSVP here or scan the QR code.
Support students of the Multicultural Leadership Organization by attending the group's bake sale during the home basketball games Saturday, Feb. 17 from 12-5 p.m. in the Gorges Atrium!
Join the Newman University community for Sunday Mass in St. John’s Chapel. Confessions are heard from 6:00-6:50 PM and Mass begins at 7:00 PM.
Week five of Priscilla Shirer’s 7-session journey through the life and times of the prophet Elijah. Alumni Group Bible Study meets on Monday nights from 6:00-7:15 in the Alumni Center.
Celebrate our namesake, St. Newman's birthday in style! Noon (Mass) First, join us in the celebration of Mass at noon in St. John's Chapel. Then head over to one of Newman's most beloved on-campus traditions: St. John Henry Newman High Tea! 2 - 7 p.m. (High Tea) From 2-7 p.m. in the Dugan-Gorges Conference Center,… Continue reading Feast of St. Newman – Mass & High Tea
Join us for a 12:00 p.m. Mass in honor of St. Newman in the St. John Chapel (inside Sacred Heart Hall)
Join us each and every Wednesday for Campus Ministry Night! We gather in the Sacred Heart Hall Living Room (basement) to build a supportive faith community through spiritual formation and fun!
In the doldrums of winter, everyone could use a night out! Dueling Pianos Night at Newman University includes a yummy dinner, drinks and a fun, exciting, and interactive performance by the dueling pianos guys from HiFi Productions. Bring your tip money and try to stump them with your obscure favorite song. All proceeds from this… Continue reading Dueling Pianos
Join us for Jet Friday donuts from 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the Fugate Student Center located inside Dugan Library and Campus Center! This week's donuts are generously sponsored by Advancement. Don't forget to wear your Newman Jets gear. Go Jets!
All students are invited to join Campus Ministry in “hashing” out some theological or philosophical question. We’ll gather in the Living Room (basement of Sacred Heart Hall) at 2:00 PM to eat some french fries and discuss a spicy topic!
Join the Newman University community for Sunday Mass in St. John’s Chapel. Confessions are heard from 6:00-6:50 PM and Mass begins at 7:00 PM.
Intent to run forms are available Feb. 26, 2024 and due March 7 at noon.
Join us for an important presentation on the issue of alcohol, drugs and other substance abuse. Questions about this event? Please contact Anna Waggoner at ext. 2235.
Week six of Priscilla Shirer’s 7-session journey through the life and times of the prophet Elijah. Alumni Group Bible Study meets on Monday nights from 6:00-7:15 in the Alumni Center.
For 24 hours, on Giving Day Wednesday, Feb. 28, generations of Newman Jets will come together in celebration and support of the university by giving back to the area of campus that matters most to them. Visit to make a difference!
As part of Newman University's Annual Giving Day, Student Life will be hosting a Pop Culture Through the Decades Trivia Night! Get your family and friends together to compete against other members of the Newman Community in this contest of brain power! Movies, television, game shows, music, sports, and other popular culture events will be… Continue reading Pop Culture Through the Decades Trivia Night
Join us each and every Wednesday for Campus Ministry Night! We gather in the Sacred Heart Hall Living Room (basement) to build a supportive faith community through spiritual formation and fun!
Join us for one of the liveliest events of the academic year — Newman University Homecoming! Cheer on the Jets as they take on Missouri Western and celebrate the crowning of student Homecoming royalty at halftime of the men's basketball game in the Fugate Gymnasium. 5:30 P.M. – Women’s Basketball vs Missouri Western, Fugate Gymnasium… Continue reading Homecoming
Join us for Art for Lunch — a chance to enjoy lunch and hear from the featured artist — every Thursday before the First Friday of the month. Art for Lunch is at noon in the Steckline Gallery. **Pizza will be offered for Newman students who attend! Staff and faculty are welcome to attend, but… Continue reading Art For Lunch