A social and dance to benefit Haiti that was postponed from January because of winter weather will take place from 8 p.m. to midnight this Saturday, Feb. 20, in the Dugan Library and Conference Center.
The social will be from 8 to 10 p.m. in the Sister Tarcisia Roths, ASC Alumni Lounge, and will feature food and beverages. Free adult beverages will be available at the social for those over 21 with a valid driver’s license. Donations for adult beverages will be accepted. A dance featuring a deejay, refreshments and snacks will run from 9 p.m. until midnight in the Dugan-Gorges Conference Center. Dress is cocktail attire or business formal. Students with an I.D. from any university or high school can buy tickets for $10, while Newman faculty, staff, and alumni can buy tickets for $15. Free-will donations of cash or checks are welcome throughout the evening. All proceeds will go to Catholic Relief Services to support relief efforts in Haiti.
For more information, contact Ashley Myers.