Clubs become sustainable through fundraising and make differences

Feb 14, 2019

Newman University is home to many clubs that help enrich student life on campus, and their fundraising efforts are essential to their operations. Funding plays a large role in the clubs available to students and in the activities and projects that they are able to sponsor.

Student Government Association (SGA) President Marisa-Nicole Zayat spoke about the importance of club funding.

Marisa-Nicole Zayat, SGA President

“Fundraising is important because it allows clubs to be self-sustainable. This past year, SGA has been strongly encouraging fundraising efforts in order to motivate clubs to achieve this self-sustainability and give the members of the clubs a sense of accomplishment. Earning their funds through fundraisers gives clubs a sense of fulfillment due to their efforts paying off.”

In addition to assisting clubs with funds, SGA promotes fundraising strategies and other means of gaining finances for club expenses. SGA votes on what ventures it will financially support.

“When voting on such bills, we focus on the preparedness of the bills and the event planning as well as the sustainability of the clubs. We try to be good stewards of student activity fees, and we make sure we make the most out of what we have.”

Clubs such as the Multicultural Leadership Organization (MCLO) and the Asian Student Association (ASA) have been particularly successful in their fundraising efforts.

MCLO President Jose Rojas-Monterro spoke about his organization’s fundraising efforts.

“Every year, MCLO hosts the International Luncheon, which provides for the club’s needs throughout the year. Members of the Newman community are invited to bring dishes from their cultures. It’s a great event for the community because of the diversity that it promotes and the awareness it generates.”

MCLO’s Cultural Extravaganza featured a variety of ethnic acts.

Organizations like MCLO bring many individuals to the Newman campus with events like the Cultural Extravaganza, which promotes diversity while providing entertainment and opportunities for involvement to the Newman community.

“I believe that clubs play a vital role in promoting a vibrant student life culture on campus,” said Rojas-Monterro. “In order to hold these events, clubs require the support of its members and the campus community by participating in or volunteering for these events. We hope that the community continues to give their valuable support to these student-run organizations.”
