Newman presents ‘Death by Chocolate’ murder mystery dinner

Oct 01, 2018
Mystery Dinner presents Death By Chocolate

The Newman University theater department presents the farce, mystery thriller “Death by Chocolate” by Paul Freed, accompanied by a luxurious four-course dinner served by Great Western Dining Oct. 11-13 in the Jabara Flexible Theatre.

“Death by Chocolate” combines all the elements of classic murder mysteries with a scathing satire of today’s health crazes. The show is a comedy filled with laughter, fun and mystery that plays out with the interactions and participation of the audience.

What makes this mystery dinner unique is that it is the theater department’s first time doing anything like this, according to Director of Theater Mark Mannette. This will be Newman’s first show with reservations only, and its first show with one combined ticket price, Mannette said.

Emily Larkin
Newman theater student Emily Larkin

Junior and theater student Emily Larkin will play the role of Dyslexia, a sassy secretary whose words are dripping with sarcasm and contempt, and who seems to know a bit of everything that is going on.

“This character is really fun for me because I, too, have a sarcastic side that runs around in my head. But, that is the main difference: I tend to vocalize these ideas less than Dyslexia,” Larkin explained.

Rehearsals can get pretty crazy, Larkin said.

“Dyslexia is a character that really floats off and on the stage. I can pop up every five seconds or not be on for 10 pages. It really depends.”

Regardless of the hard work that is accompanied with rehearsals, Larkin said she is extremely excited to be taking this new journey of being in a dinner theater styled show.

“We’re going to be including some fun little improv scenes that I really think are going to help me grow as an actor,” Larkin explained.

Having been the stage manager and assistant director for last year’s play, “The Glass Menagerie,” Larkin is ecstatic to be back on the stage acting it up with the best of actors at Newman University, she said.

“Death by Chocolate” will have three performances. Seating begins at 6:30 p.m. and the show starts at 7 p.m. on all three evenings. Tickets are $25 by reservation only. To RSVP, call (316) 942-4291, ext. 2486 or email
