Eck donates security vehicle to NU

Jun 17, 2010

Les Eck, owner and president of Rusty Eck Ford in Wichita, has donated a Ford Escape to Newman for use as a security vehicle.

Newman Receives Vehicle
Newman Vice President of Institutional Advancement Tom Borrego, left, accepts keys to a Ford Escape from Les Eck.

The Escape has replaced the pick-up Newman had used as the security vehicle and which was in poor condition after many years of service. Newman Director of Safety and Security Richard Oliverson said the gift couldn’t come at a better time. “Newman had a need, and Les Eck responded,” he said. “We very much appreciate this gift.” The Eck family, which includes Les, several siblings, his mother Joan and his late father Rusty, have been longtime supporters of Newman University. Eck Hall, which houses the business and nursing programs at Newman, was named in honor of their gifts and support.
