Fall Phonathon raising money for Newman Fund

Oct 15, 2015

Newman’s Fall Phonathon is underway. The a two and a half week service event that raises money for the Newman Fund kicked off on Oct. 4.

The Advancement department holds a phonathon each semester of the school year in order raise donation dollars in the Newman Fund. This fund helps pay for students scholarships, student fees, and random other student costs throughout the year.

During the phonathon, students are given call sheets with the information of alumni and various donors on them. They then contact the person on each call sheet and tell them what has been going on around campus, what they do on campus, and explain a little about the Newman Fund.

Newman junior Maureen Hogan talks with a donor during 2015 Fall Phonathon
Newman junior Maureen Hogan talks with a donor during 2015 Fall Phonathon

Students contact a wide range of individuals, from first-time donors to alumni that give every semester.

The phonathons are coordinated each semester by Blaine Crouch, director of the Newman Fund. He said the events are very important for several reasons.

“First, the money raised during the fall phonathon goes directly to the Newman Fund, which provides scholarship dollars to Newman students. Second, it gives Newman a chance to reach out to our alumni and friends to update their contact information and to see what is new in our donor’s lives,” Crouch said.

Aside from raising donor giving, the phonathon is also an opportunity for students to obtain volunteer hours.

“It gives our students an understanding of where exactly their scholarship dollars have come from and give them an opportunity to thank our past donors, and it may even improve or sharpen his or her communication skills,” Crouch said.

Sophomore and academic scholarship recipient Stefan Dedominicis said that the phonathon is one of his favorite ways to earn volunteer hours.

“It’s nice to be able to speak with the donors and thank them,” Dedominicis said. “They make it possible for people, like myself to come to Newman. Without their contributions I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

The Fall Phonathon runs from Oct. 4 to Oct. 21 on Sunday through Wednesday. Sunday the call hours are 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. and Monday through Wednesday the hours are 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

If interested in volunteering for the Fall Phonathon, contact Blaine Crouch at crouch@newmanu.edu or at (316)-942-4291 ext. 2445.
