Father Adam Grelinger completes last days as Newman chaplain

Jun 25, 2024
Father Adam Grelinger (second from the left) folds his hands on stage at the 2024 Newman commencement ceremony.
Father Adam Grelinger (second from the left) folds his hands on stage at the 2024 Newman commencement ceremony.

After five years as the campus chaplain, Father Adam Grelinger ‘11 celebrated his last day at Newman University on June 21.

Grelinger received a new assignment from the Most Rev. Bishop Carl A. Kemme, and now serves as the pastor for Holy Savior Catholic Church in Wichita. Father Ed Herzog ‘10, ‘11, who was confirmed in St. John’s Chapel in 2009, will take the helm as Newman University chaplain in mid-July.

Father Adam’s vocational call

A graduate of Newman University, Grelinger first heard his call to the priesthood when he was living as a student in Fugate Hall with his roommate and high school friend Father J.D. Betzen. When Betzen began to discern the priesthood, Grelinger contemplated his own vocational calling. He eventually answered God’s call and chose to pursue a vocation in the priesthood.

Newman graduate Steven Nguyen and Father Adam Grelinger take a photo together following the commencement ceremony outside Hartman Arena.
Newman graduate Steven Nguyen ’22 and Grelinger take a photo together following the commencement ceremony outside Hartman Arena.

In 2017, both Grelinger and Betzen were ordained as Catholic priests in Wichita. Grelinger was assigned as the parochial vicar for Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church before becoming the campus chaplain at Newman in 2019. 

Assistant Director of Campus Ministry and Honors Program Emily Simon ‘16 worked closely with Grelinger during his days as chaplain, and will always be grateful for the shared experiences.

“We’ve made such a good team and that has been really helpful in doing ministry work,” Simon said. “I really think all the success we’ve had in building the office as a community space where students feel comfortable is all Father Adam. He’s done such a good job and had such an impact on campus.”

(From left to right) Grelinger, Elise Helfrich '24, Colby McKee '24 and Emily Simon '16, assistant director of Campus Ministry and the Honors Program.
(From left to right) Grelinger, Elise Helfrich ’24, Colby McKee ’24 and Simon ’16, assistant director of Campus Ministry and the Honors Program.

Graduate Colby McKee, a fourth-year seminarian, met Grelinger during his first year at Newman in 2020 through Campus Ministry. McKee and fellow seminarians at the House of Formation got to know Grelinger better during morning runs before Mass and other activities.

“I think Father Adam is a really approachable guy, and I think that’s a super good thing,” McKee said. “He takes himself seriously in the sacraments, but he also has the ability to make jokes and have fun with what he’s doing which make him approachable.

He plans to build from Grelinger’s example as he enters Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Maryland,in the fall.

I think Father Adam has really guided the campus deeper into spirituality and the faith.

Alex Klein, third-year seminarian
Klein and Grelinger
Klein and Grelinger

Alex Klein, a third-year seminarian and Newman student, was training to be a firefighter when he discerned into seminary.

“I’ve always wanted to save lives in some way, and as I grew closer to God I realized I could do that through the priesthood,” he said. 

Klein would like to thank Grelinger for serving as chaplain at Newman.

“I think Father Adam has really guided the campus — and me personally — deeper into spirituality and the faith, and I really appreciate that.”

Newman students gather to thank Grelinger for his service to campus over ice cream before the end of the semester.
Newman students gather to thank Grelinger for his service to campus over ice cream before the end of the semester.

A look back on Grelinger’s campus contributions

In his handful of years as chaplain, Grelinger witnessed and took part in several milestones and memorable moments at Newman University, including:

  • St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, the university’s namesake, was declared a saint by the Catholic church on Oct. 13, 2019. On campus, a three-hour “Newman in the park” event was held and students, faculty and staff took turns reading Newman’s works as people came and went. This was one of Grelinger’s favorite activities to witness.
  • A colorful mural depicting Mary, Undoer of Knots, was painted by local artist Heather Byers and added to the Campus Ministry office. The goal was to create a relaxing, inviting space for students to do personal studying, reading and group Bible studies.
  • A mural of Our Lady of Guadalupe was dedicated during Newman’s Viva La Virgen event. The mural is on display in St. John’s Chapel.
  • Multiple students entered the Catholic Church, including Austin Fullerton, Charles Morrison and Elvis Cruz.
  • He helped re-establish Metanoia, the Catholic living community on Newman’s campus, in 2021. Now in its third year, Metanoia continues to build and help students grow in community and spiritually in their faith. 

A heartfelt ‘thank you’

The Newman University community is grateful for the many Mass homilies, blessings and dad jokes Grelinger graced the campus with in his five years as chaplain. On behalf of the entire community, Newman wishes Grelinger well in his new assignment as pastor of Holy Savior.

Video: St. Newman Mass Homily by Grelinger

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