Newman University will present the first of the 2014-15 series of “Mission Talks” from noon to 1 p.m., Oct. 7 in the Tarcisia Roths, ASC Alumni Center, inside the Dugan Library and Campus Center on the Newman campus.
The event is free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided for the first 40 people who RSVP to Sister Charlotte Rohrbach at or 316-942-4291, ext. 2167 no later than noon, Monday Oct. 6.
The theme of the 2014-15 talks will be a continuation of last year’s look at Monsignor Leon McNeill, the first president of Newman University. The Oct. 7 talk, entitled “McNeill’s Catholic Publications,” will be presented by Joyce Suellentrop, former Newman University History and English Professor and retired Archivist for Newman University and the Adorers of the Blood of Christ. The talk will focus on the writing process of Father McNeill.
“McNeill was a prolific writer and editor. He had a lot of connections to the Catholic publishing world because he made friends easily and knew how to maintain those friendships,” Suellentrop said.
McNeill wrote his first article in 1927, the same year he graduated from seminary school, and continued to write and be published into the 1960s. He wrote for many different kinds of publications, ranging from guides and pamphlets to textbooks.
“I will be analyzing the writing process that McNeill went through when writing an article,” Suellentrop said. “I will bring an example of an article he wrote and the three different drafts that go with it to see how his revising process worked.”
Suellentrop said many people who will attend the talks already know about McNeill, and are welcome to ask questions and contribute to the discussion.
“I know that there are people who know a lot about him, and I can count on them to add anything pertinent to the talk for everyone to know,” she said.
In last year’s series, each talk focused on a period of McNeill’s journey, starting with his early days as a priest and educator. This year’s series will continue exploring McNeill’s life and will conclude with a summary of his life. The remaining talks are set for Nov. 12, 2014, March 4, 2015, and April 7, 2015.