Newman Honors Program newsletter coming soon

Dec 19, 2019
Honors Program Lounge

The Newman Honors Program will launch a newsletter in 2020 for program alumni, students and their families.

The newsletter is something the program director, Kelly McFall, Ph.D., has been thinking about for some time. He said staying connected with graduates is a top priority and the newsletter will provide that opportunity.

“We consider alumni an integral part of the Honors Program but have long struggled to find ways to communicate with them,” said McFall. “The newsletter will give us a way to keep our graduates up to date on what we’re doing and offer them opportunities to participate.”

The program’s new assistant director, Emily Simon, said, “Coming into this position, I really wanted to work on building relationships with our alumni. Having a newsletter seemed both a good way to keep in touch with our Honors Program alumni on a more regular basis, but also to give them opportunities to read about or share all the amazing things they and our current students are doing out in the world.”

The newsletter will highlight current student achievements and projects, alumni updates and also include general program updates.

The plan is to send the newsletter via email quarterly for the first year and to look at how it’s going for future distribution.

Both Simon and McFall said they would love to see students write articles for the newsletter, whether they interview a Newman Honors Program graduate or write a story about their own experience.

“I could see a student interviewing an alumnus to write an article and finding themselves with an awesome contact,” said Simon. “That would be a great opportunity for our students.”

For more information or to be added to the distribution list, contact Simon at [email protected].
