‘India and ASC Ministry to the Disadvantaged’ focus of next Mission Talk

Feb 26, 2016
India ASC

Vicki Bergkamp, ASC, will present a Mission Talk: “India and ASC Ministry to the Disadvantaged,” from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 2 in the Roths Alumni Center in the Dugan Library and Campus Center. The presentation is the fourth in the 2015-16 season and is sponsored by Newman University. The event is free and open to the public.

Website Vicki Bergkamp
Vicki Bergkamp, ASC

Currently teaching business at Newman University, Sister Vicki has been involved with the school since 1979. Former university President and Professor Emerita (History) Tarcisia Roths, ASC will join Sister Vicki for the Mission Talk, as will Director of Development for Sciences and Health Sciences Therese Wetta, ASC and Newman junior Diana Stanley. All have been involved with missions to India. In fact, Stanley and another student, Brandi Boese, recently returned from a study abroad trip over the holiday break from school.

A buffet lunch will be served before the talk. RSVPs are requested by noon Tuesday, March 1 to Charlotte Rohrbach, ASC, at rohrbachc@newmanu.edu to ensure enough food is provided. Those who do not RSVP are welcome but will not be able to enjoy the buffet.
