Laura Shine, biology pre-med major, has been accepted into the early admit program at the University of Kansas (KU) School of Medicine. She said she’s looking forward to her spring 2018 graduation after many long days and nights of learning, working hard in and out of the classroom.
“I waited very nervously on the day I was to hear back from KU about my acceptance. I had put so much hard work into my education up to that point, so I was ready for it to pay off. I have spent the past three years studying regularly and being challenged academically, so all of my efforts had been leading up to that point in my college career. I was so excited and relieved to hear that I had been accepted and immediately called my family and friends to tell them the news,” Shine recalled.
Shine’s habit of persistent studying at Newman played a vital role in her acceptance into medical school. Newman provided her with the right learning opportunities as well as the right learning environment to help put her on the right track to achieving her dreams, she said.
Shine added, “I owe much credit to the professors I have had at Newman for my success. They have encouraged me, supported me and helped me in any way that they could to make sure that I was able to reach my goal of attending medical school.”
Now that Shine has reached her dream of becoming a medical student at KU, she said it is time to reach for a new and bigger dream.
Shine wants to pursue a career in medicine so that she will be able to give back to the community. She hopes to focus on her medical career in the field of pediatrics so she can continue to keep her passion for caring for children a central part of her life.
“I have been so grateful for the opportunity to spend my undergraduate years at Newman. Studying at Newman has been an invaluable experience in which I have been able to meet some of my best friends and learn from some of the best professors.
“My time at Newman has been full of fun experiences — being a part of the Newman community as well as great learning opportunities that have bettered my education,” Shine said.