A new voice at commencement: Sonja Bontrager

May 16, 2024
Sonja Bontrager announces the names of graduates at the 2024 commencement ceremony.
Sonja Bontrager announces the names of graduates at the 2024 commencement ceremony.

Along with many graduates of Newman’s class of 2024 celebrating their first in-person commencement ceremony, one professor was also celebrating a first.

Sonja Bontrager, professor of Spanish, had the honor of announcing the students’ names as they walked across the stage to accept their diplomas. This was the first time she had that responsibility.

Bontrager sits on stage during the 2024 commencement ceremony.
Bontrager sits on stage during the 2024 commencement ceremony.

Bontrager said the excitement of the graduates was palpable.

“The energy was really powerful,” Bontrager said. “There is something special about the presence, especially post-COVID, that being together and making the connection (with the graduates) brings. Smiling together and being joyous with one another is a great gift.”

Bontrager wanted to ensure she pronounced the names of the graduates correctly, knowing how special the moment would be for graduates and their families listening.

“Names are kind of holy to us, right? They are special,” Bontrager said. “I hope to have honored the families and their contributions to their student’s success.”

The energy was powerful.

Sonja Bontrager, professor of Spanish
Bontrager is interviewed following commencement.
Bontrager is interviewed following commencement.

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