Newman’s newest class calls campus home on move-in day

Aug 19, 2024
A student and her family members help move her into the residence halls during move-in day at Newman University.
A student and her family members help move her into the residence halls during move-in day at Newman University.

With backpacks and boxes in tow, a mix of first-year students, transfers and family members from across the globe filled Carrocci Hall during move-in day Aug. 16.

For Hrund April Guðmundsdóttir, mother of Icelandic student Tðmas Hugi Asgeirsson, the nine-hour flight to attend move-in day in Wichita was well worth it.

“I’m glad that we came to support him, but we will only be on the sideline. He is very much independent,” Guðmundsdóttir said. “It’s nice to see how nice everybody is here. It calms me, so I know he will be in good hands.”

Hrund April Guðmundsdóttir, mother of Icelandic student Tðmas Hugi Asgeirsson.
Guðmundsdóttir, mother of Icelandic student Tðmas Hugi Asgeirsson.

Newman University’s resident assistants, led by Director of Residence Life Ian Lecki, are to thank for a smooth moving process. The residence life team read the training handbook, organized volunteers and crafted a game plan for unloading vehicles, lofting beds and helping the new residents feel at home.

Parents and student Avery Gunert unload their vehicle on move-in day.
Parents and student Avery Gunert unload their vehicle on move-in day.

Meet some of students

Anabella Heguy

Softball player Anabella Heguy of San Diego had never visited campus before move-in day. However, one aspect of campus stuck out from the virtual tours she watched.

“There’s no communal bathroom in the residence halls, and I thought, ‘Oh yes,’” Heguy said with a laugh. “I only have to share with three other girls, so I thought ‘This is good.’ I knew I needed a good living situation and thankfully I have that here.”

Anabella Heguy smiles in Carrocci Hall during move in day at Newman University.
Heguy smiles in Carrocci Hall during move-in day at Newman University.

Noah Smith

Noah Smith from Burleson, Texas, said it was his dream to play tennis in college and Newman University has granted his wish.

“I’ve been playing for about four years now and I love it,” Smith said. “Tennis is my passion, my dream, it’s everything to me.”

As for his criminal justice major, Smith said he loved growing up watching “Criminal Minds,” “Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda” and other crime shows with his mom.

Noah Smith smiles in Carrocci Hall.
Smith is excited to call Kansas home for the next four years.

“It was kind of our thing, so I just wanted to keep doing it (as a career),” Smith said. “My mom has always supported me, been there for me for everything and she’s kind of pointed me in the right direction.”

Hannah Nordby and Katelyn Westover

For many junior transfers, move-in day offered the same level of excitement as many of the first-year students.

Hannah Nordby of Redlands, California, and Katelyn Westover of San Tan Valley, Arizona, transferred to Newman together from their junior college. 

(From left to right) Roommates Nordby and Westover are all smiles during move-in day, their first day on Newman University's campus.
(From left to right) Roommates Nordby and Westover are all smiles during move-in day, their first day on Newman University’s campus.

“We play softball and have a past teammate who goes here currently, Kayla Lopez,” Westover said.

“She’s actually the one who got us here,” Nordby added. 

Both agreed that attending Newman shows that “all the things leading up to this moment all paid off,” Nordby said. 

“I’m really excited to get that degree, get that big girl job, make that big girl money and start to begin my future,” she added.

Jaden Gales

For junior transfer Jaden Gales of Pittsburgh, playing basketball scored him a spot on the men’s team that made Newman’s offer hard to pass up. Even though he is 15 hours away from home, Gales is excited for the new beginning.

“I’m studying graphic design, mostly because I have a passion for creating things, art and editing my own stuff,” he said. “I’d love to participate in an art club on campus, drawing and representing everybody in the school, but I’m open to any opportunities.”

Jaden Gales, holding his hands in peace signs, heads from the residence halls to the gym on move-in day.
Gales heads from the residence halls to the gym on move-in day.

Gales was quick to credit God for making him the young man he is today.

“I’d like to thank God because without him all of this wouldn’t be possible,” Gales said. “He provided me with the parents I got, the friends I got and the people that surround me.”

In good hands 

Fellow students, staff and faculty are committed to providing a community where opportunities, hospitality and a sense of belonging exist for every Newman student — especially those who are newest to campus.

Fuentes (center) and fellow students stand outside Carrocci Hall on move-in day at Newman Univeristy.
Fuentes (center) and fellow students stand outside Carrocci Hall on move-in day at Newman University.

Senior Andrea Fuentes, a marketing major, is excited to enter her third year as a resident assistant and has a few tips for first-year students as they begin this new chapter.

“Participate in the activities on campus, whether it’s Student Life, HALO (Hispanic-American Leadership Organization), MCLO (Multicultural Leadership Organization) or any club at all,” Fuentes said. “Always go to Jet Friday, get a donut and catch up with people. And finally, talk with your professors, especially if you’re lost in the subject. They’re here for a reason.”

Residence life at Newman

Experience college to the fullest by living on campus in the residence halls.
