Newman athletes offer ‘Drop and Shop’ for parents

Nov 23, 2010

Parents have an opportunity to shop for Christmas in early December while their children are tended to by Newman University student-athletes. The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) is hosting the “Drop and Shop” event as a service project and a fundraiser for the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

“Drop and Shop” will take place on Friday, Dec. 3, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Pure Entertainment of Wichita located at 8545 W. Irving St. “Drop and Shop” is available for children ages 4 to 12 years old. The event will be overseen by Newman University faculty members as well as representatives from Pure Entertainment.

During their stay children will participate in fun-filled sporting activities with Newman University student-athletes, including soccer, basketball, baseball, and various other games. An age-appropriate movie will also be an option and snacks will be provided for all children. Parents and/or legal guardians will be asked to provide contact information and to complete sign-in and sign-out protocols.

“Drop and Shop” is free of charge; however donations will be accepted for the benefit of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. For questions or more information contact Edmund Herzog, Newman University SAAC President, at (607) 279-6418 or email

The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee was created to promote communication between the athletics administration and student-athletes, provide for student-athlete representation on campus-wide committees such as Student Government, and to promote a positive student-athlete image on campus.
