Parents have an opportunity to shop for Christmas in early December while their children are tended to by Newman University student-athletes. The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) is hosting the “Drop and Shop” event as a service project and a fundraiser for the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
“Drop and Shop” will take place on Friday, Dec. 3, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Pure Entertainment of Wichita located at 8545 W. Irving St. “Drop and Shop” is available for children ages 4 to 12 years old. The event will be overseen by Newman University faculty members as well as representatives from Pure Entertainment.
During their stay children will participate in fun-filled sporting activities with Newman University student-athletes, including soccer, basketball, baseball, and various other games. An age-appropriate movie will also be an option and snacks will be provided for all children. Parents and/or legal guardians will be asked to provide contact information and to complete sign-in and sign-out protocols.
“Drop and Shop” is free of charge; however donations will be accepted for the benefit of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. For questions or more information contact Edmund Herzog, Newman University SAAC President, at (607) 279-6418 or email
The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee was created to promote communication between the athletics administration and student-athletes, provide for student-athlete representation on campus-wide committees such as Student Government, and to promote a positive student-athlete image on campus.