Newman employees learn about, support Adorers of the Blood of Christ through Associates program

Jul 01, 2010

Five Newman University employees and one alumna recently made a commitment to support the Adorers of the Blood of Christ (ASC) through the ASC Associates program. The program is designed for male and female laity who wish to learn more about the religious order’s history, spirituality, mission and charism of living the Paschal mystery in adoring and redeeming love. After approximately a year of study, participants are given the opportunity to make a three-year covenant commitment to the ASC to join the sisters in support of their mission and charism through ministry, prayer and service. The ASC Associates program is open to people of all denominations and is active in 22 countries.

In May a group of Newman employees completed the learning phase and made the commitment to continue in the ASC Associates program. They are Bookstore Inventory Control Clerk Conni Carney; Director of Development Molly Fox; Director of Career Services and Cooperative Education Sherry Lamm; Associate Professor of Education Joan Purkey, and Director of Admissions Processing and Advising Linda Sabala. Also making the covenant commitment was 1980 graduate and Newman volunteer Carm Ludlow. Newman employees who are in the Associates program from previous commitments are Associate Vice President of Academic Services and Student Development Rosemary Niedens and Director of Alumni Relations Ann Fox.

The group meets once a month on the Newman campus. Anyone interested in participating in or learning more about the ASC Associates program may contact Sophia Kammer, ASC at
