With the 2015 fall semester upon us, Newman Residence Life is preparing for Jet Days Orientation, running from Aug. 21 through 22. Jets Days is a two-day orientation process for freshman and transfer students.
During Jet Days, Residence Life has added the capability for new students and their families to text in questions to staff members if they need help during the weekend.
“The text message system will allow new students and families to ask questions during Jet Days,” explained Newman University Dean of Students Levi Esses. “These could be questions about the schedule, where a particular office is, or if they need assistance during the weekend.”
The text messaging service will be provided during the hours of 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Aug. 21 and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Aug. 22. For more information contact Levi Esses at essesl@newmanu.edu or read more about how to use the texting service.
One exciting event that will occur during Jet Days Orientation weekend is the unveiling of Newman’s Check I’m Here App, titled “Campus Events at Newman University.” Check I’m Here is a service that allows students of universities to check-in at on-campus events and build up points to be used in areas such as the bookstore.
Esses expresses that “the goal is to ensure students have the Newman I.D. card on them the entire time while they are at Newman. We want them to be able to track their attendance at as many events as possible, including club/organization meetings. There may be some events that do not use the Check I’m Here app but it will be available for their use if they choose to use it.”
The Check I’m Here app is a free app and will be available for iOS and Android devices.
Going to be at Jet Days Orientation? Use #jetdays2015 on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook!