Newman University recognized 27 candidates for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at the annual Nurses’ Pinning ceremony held Dec. 16 on the Newman campus.
The event is a tradition in the nursing discipline that dates back approximately 130 years in the United States. At Newman, the director of the School of Nursing and Allied Health places nursing pins on graduate candidates’ lapels as a symbol of their completion of the baccalaureate of science in nursing (BSN) program. The Newman pin is unique to the university, and was designed by the first graduating BSN class at what was then Kansas Newman College.
The ceremony included a brief address by Director of the Newman School of Nursing and Allied Health Bernadette Fetterolf, Ph.D. Fetterolf noted the increasingly important role nurses play in health care, and urged graduates to become leaders in their field to ensure a safe and quality patient-centered health care experience.
“Look at your care delivery from a holistic perspective encompassing systems, processes, and people,” Fetterolf said. “Advocate for your patients. Exercise your voice. Remember, it is always about the patient.”

The ceremony concluded with the naming of the Distinguished BSN Graduate Award. The award is given to a graduating nursing student who has a minimum 3.5 cumulative grade point average and demonstrates an exceptional commitment to the nursing profession and involvement in the Newman and greater Wichita communities. The Fall 2011 award was bestowed upon Bridget Bugner of Garden Plain, Kan. Bugner is a member of the Sigma Theta Tau International nursing honor society, and was involved in many on-campus activities, including the Newman Chorale vocal music group, the Newman Dance/Cheer Team, and the Campus Activities Board. Bugner also volunteered for Habitat for Humanity projects.
The BSN candidates for Fall 2011 are:
Margaret Boucher
Kristina Brewster*
Rebecca Cavanaugh
Allison Childs
Anna Davis*
Leslie Entriken
Jessica Hardison
Kristen Hook
Melissa Martinez Huckleby*
Nicol Ingram
Randi Macera
Jarrod Nolan
Lynde Rabourn
Ryan Roberts*
Rachael Sulanke
Michelle Shriver
Micah Smith
Lindsey Stewart*
Kimberly Taylor
Andrea Vossen
Linda Whiteman*
Ashley Dunham*
Amanda Flick
Kristen Knowles*
Lisa Rodivich
Abbee Widler
Garden Plain
Bridget Bugner*
* Denotes member Sigma Theta Tau International nursing honor society