Outdoor Adoration to be held on April 30

Apr 20, 2017
Grotto, Outdoor Adoration

Newman Campus Ministry is once again hosting an Outdoor Adoration for the community to attend. The event will take place at 8 p.m. on Sunday, April 30 at the Newman Marian Grotto.

The evening will begin with Mass at 7 p.m. in St. John’s Chapel and the Outdoor Adoration will follow. Newman Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry Father John Fogliasso will lead the procession to the Grotto, which is located directly outside Sacred Heart Hall. If there is bad weather, Fr. Fogliasso said they will hold the adoration inside.

Wichita Adore Ministries, a local group that does live praise and worship, will join the service to provide music. Fr. Fogliasso said he plans on praying for thanksgiving for another successful school year.

The event is free and open to the public — Newman students, faculty, staff, and friends, along with Wichita residents, are invited to join in the worship.
