Potential students become Jets at Registration Days

Apr 18, 2019
reg day

When students first contact the university and visit campus, they typically work with the admissions office. Upcoming Registration Days are a time when the student life office takes over to help potential students see themsevles as Jets.

“Registration Day is a one-day session designed to help incoming students successfully start the collegiate transition process to Newman University,” said Director of Student Life Morgan Calvert. “The program is a concerted effort by faculty and staff to ensure incoming students have the opportunity to examine their academic abilities and interests while solidifying their educational plans before the upcoming fall semester.”

At Registration Day, students are able to meet fellow potential Jets, get a feel for campus life, speak with faculty about courses and majors, visit with various offices on campus and ultimately, have the guidance and opportunity to become an official Jet.

Calvert added, “The Registration Day program provides students with a better understanding of their first semester as a Jet and how their particular abilities and interests will fit within the campus community.”

The day is planned by the Orientation Planning Committee, who has been meeting since fall to offer students the best Registration Day experience. Forming dynamic representation from across campus, including current students, is important for the committee.

“Programs like these truly take a village to facilitate — and we are very fortunate at Newman to have one,” said Dean of Students Christine Schneikart-Luebbe. “The schedule allows students to hear from a variety of university officials, including President Noreen Carrocci, and from current students. Guests have the opportunity to participate in a pre-advising workshop, meet with their academic advisor, register for classes, meet with staff from financial aid, learn about FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and take multiple tours.”

Any questions or concerns a potential student may have can be addressed during Registration Day and students are able to complete their math placement test if needed.

Registration Days will be held April 26, June 13 and Aug. 1. Students and their families can sign up online.
