NU will host several ceremonies to commemorate Fall 2009 graduates including a pinning ceremony for nursing students as well as Baccalaureate on Friday, Dec. 11, and Commencement on Dec. 12.
Results for "professor"
Wichita high school students complete Newman University Hispanic Scholar Program
Wichita, Kan. – Twenty-four Wichita area high school students got a taste of college life – and two hours of college credit – by successfully completing the 2009 Newman University… Continue reading Wichita high school students complete Newman University Hispanic Scholar Program
Card shower requested for Madeleine Kisner, ASC
The Newman University Alumni Association is calling for a “thanksgiving card shower” for alumna Madeleine Kisner, ASC.
Newman University Presents Reading by Acclaimed Poet Red Hawk tonight
Join Newman University as the Department of English presents renowned poet Red Hawk reading from his works at 7 p.m. tonight in the Jabara Flexible Theatre, inside the De Mattias… Continue reading Newman University Presents Reading by Acclaimed Poet Red Hawk tonight
Advanced sales for new book of poetry by Bryan Dietrich
Advanced sales of a new book of poetry by Professor of English Bryan Dietrich, Ph.D is taking place between now and Dec. 11. The book, titled Love Craft, contains poems of… Continue reading Advanced sales for new book of poetry by Bryan Dietrich
Advanced sales for new book of poetry by Bryan Dietrich
Love Craft, a book of poetry by Newman University English Professor Bryan D. Dietrich, will be released Feb. 5, 2010. But, from now until Dec. 11, 2009 is the advanced… Continue reading Advanced sales for new book of poetry by Bryan Dietrich
Newman University Presents Reading by Acclaimed Poet Red Hawk on Nov. 12
Wichita, Kan. – The Newman University Department of English will present nationally renowned poet Red Hawk reading from his works, at 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 12 in the Jabara Flexible… Continue reading Newman University Presents Reading by Acclaimed Poet Red Hawk on Nov. 12
Education conference, research center dedicated in memory of Susan Reeves, ASC
A standing-room-only crowd attended a reception and dedication ceremony Oct. 26 for the Susan Reeves, ASC Memorial Conference and Research Center in the lower level of McNeill Hall. The center… Continue reading Education conference, research center dedicated in memory of Susan Reeves, ASC
Noted author speaks at NU next week
The Gerber Institute for Catholic Studies will present Ron Hansen reading from his book Exiles at 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 5 in the Dugan-Gorges Conference Center. The event is free and… Continue reading Noted author speaks at NU next week
Newman University Will Award Honorary Degrees to Fran and Geri Jabara, Monsignor William Carr
Wichita, Kan. – Newman University officials announced today that Fran and Geri Jabara and Monsignor William M. Carr will be awarded Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa degrees during the… Continue reading Newman University Will Award Honorary Degrees to Fran and Geri Jabara, Monsignor William Carr
Newman to Dedicate Sr. Susan Reeves Conference Center Monday
The public is invited to a reception and dedication ceremony on Monday, Oct. 26, 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in room 40 of McNeill Hall with remarks scheduled between 5:45… Continue reading Newman to Dedicate Sr. Susan Reeves Conference Center Monday
New masters in theology programs draw widespread interest
Newman University’s new graduate program in theology is drawing interest from a wide range of people from across the Wichita metropolitan community.
Author Ron Hansen at Newman for Gerber Institute reading Nov. 5
The Gerber Institute for Catholic Studies will present Ron Hansen reading from his book Exiles at 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 5 in the Dugan-Gorges Conference Center. The event is free and… Continue reading Author Ron Hansen at Newman for Gerber Institute reading Nov. 5
Newman University students have high acceptance rate into medical school
Five current Newman students receive early acceptance Wichita, Kan. – A full 100 percent of Newman University senior students who applied for early admission to medical school this year were… Continue reading Newman University students have high acceptance rate into medical school
‘Newman U. at Dodge Brew’ sets stage for higher education dialogue
Anheuser-Busch and local chefs to provide tasty refreshments DODGE CITY, KAN. – In mid-October Newman University officials will be present in Dodge City to connect with individuals and to hear… Continue reading ‘Newman U. at Dodge Brew’ sets stage for higher education dialogue
History Speaker Series presents Gregg Zachary and Gustav Niebuhr Thursday, Sept. 10
The Newman University History Speaker Series presents Gregg Zachary and Gustav Niebuhr in an interfaith dialogue about multiculturalism at 7 p.m. Thursday Sept. 10, in Performance Hall, De Mattias Fine… Continue reading History Speaker Series presents Gregg Zachary and Gustav Niebuhr Thursday, Sept. 10
Volunteers needed at Newman’s state fair booth
The 2009 Kansas State Fair will be held Sept. 11-20 at the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson, Kan.
NU alums in KU Med School
May 2009 Newman graduate Katie Grelinger recently contacted members of the Science Department to say how well-prepared she and other NU alums are thanks to Newman professors.
Newman University Recognizes Employees’ Service
Professor of Biology Surendra Singh, Ph.D., and Accounts Receivable Clerk Gail Gettman were among those honored at the annual Newman University employee service awards program Aug. 18.
Newman University Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Investigative Summer Science Program
Program designed to show high school students benefits of science careers Wichita, Kan. – Science professors, administrators, students and parents gathered together at a luncheon June 25 to celebrate the… Continue reading Newman University Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Investigative Summer Science Program
Newman University graduates honored
Recently graduated Newman University students Stephanie (Bustamante) Vasquez and Aaron Sullivan, seated, were honored at a May 29 luncheon as recipients of the Leona J. and Harvey J. Ablah Awards,… Continue reading Newman University graduates honored
Newman University Offers ‘Yellow Ribbon’ Financial Aid Program to Veterans and Family Members
Plan Makes It Possible to Attend Newman at Low or No Cost Wichita, Kan. – To honor the service that members of the military have given to our country, Newman… Continue reading Newman University Offers ‘Yellow Ribbon’ Financial Aid Program to Veterans and Family Members
Pro Life Movement Protests Sebelius
Political expert Newman Professor Dr. Chris Fox says…
Alumni Sighting in Afghanistan
The power of the work done in Newman’s classrooms is far-reaching. Dr. Surendra Singh, professor of biology, was recently reminded of this when he received an email from Kandahar, Afghanistan.… Continue reading Alumni Sighting in Afghanistan
Freshman Students Score 100% on Positive Ties with Faculty
A recent report shows that 100 percent of first-year Newman University students who responded to a survey feel they have a positive relationship with their professors. That figure is just… Continue reading Freshman Students Score 100% on Positive Ties with Faculty
Two Honorary Degrees to Be Awarded at Newman University Fall 2008 Graduation Ceremonies
Newman University will hold the Fall 2008 Baccalaureate Mass and Commencement ceremony on Dec. 12 and Dec. 13, respectively. The university will also honor two members of the religious community… Continue reading Two Honorary Degrees to Be Awarded at Newman University Fall 2008 Graduation Ceremonies
Freshman Students Report Positive Ties with Faculty
A recent report shows that 100 percent of first-year Newman University students who responded to a survey feel they have a positive relationship with their professors.
Tarcisia Roths, ASC Celebrates 60 Years As Adorer
Tarcisia Roths, ASC, a 1948 and 1954 Newman graduate, Newman professor emerita of history and Newman president from 1991 to 2000, celebrated her 60th anniversary with the Adorers of the… Continue reading Tarcisia Roths, ASC Celebrates 60 Years As Adorer
Ablah Award Recipients Honored At Luncheon
Recently graduated Newman University students Amanda Stanley of Goddard, Kan., and Daniel Bryan of Tulsa, Okla., were honored at a July 17 luncheon as recipients of the Leona J. and… Continue reading Ablah Award Recipients Honored At Luncheon
Newman Welcomes Michael Austin As Provost, V.P. For Academic Affairs
Michael Austin, Ph.D. will assume the duties of Newman University provost and vice president for Academic Affairs beginning Monday, June 2. Austin was selected for the position in December 2008… Continue reading Newman Welcomes Michael Austin As Provost, V.P. For Academic Affairs
Newman University Student Cass McCullough Looks Forward to a Career of Service, Medicine
Contributed by Director of Editorial Services Ken Arnold When Cassandra (Cass) McCullough came to Newman University as a freshman in 2004, she knew exactly what she wanted: To grow in… Continue reading Newman University Student Cass McCullough Looks Forward to a Career of Service, Medicine
School of Science and Mathematics Receives $9,272 Grant
The School of Science and Mathematics at Newman University was selected to receive a 2008 Pittsburgh Conference Memorial National College Grant (PCMNCG). Newman’s proposal was one of the 13 selected… Continue reading School of Science and Mathematics Receives $9,272 Grant
Dr. Leyba and Wife Recognized for Ministry
Newman University Assistant Professor of Chemistry John Leyba, Ph.D., and his wife, Charlene, were featured in the Sept. 28 issue of The Catholic Advance in recognition of the ministering they… Continue reading Dr. Leyba and Wife Recognized for Ministry
Chemistry Alum Gets Paper Published
Renee Soukup-Hein, a 2002 Newman graduate, presented a undergraduate research project at the 2002 Kansas Academy of Science Meeting at Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kan. The paper from… Continue reading Chemistry Alum Gets Paper Published
Newman University Volunteers Help Allocate 2008 Funding For United Way of the Plains Community Programs
Wichita, Kan. – Newman University helped to ensure that United Way of the Plains 2008 donations will be invested for maximum community impact through the following volunteers, who served on… Continue reading Newman University Volunteers Help Allocate 2008 Funding For United Way of the Plains Community Programs
Catholic Charities, Newman University, Agencies Partner to Administer Program
Wichita, Kansas –Kansas City, Kansas and Wichita Diocese have been selected to deliver a program designed to strengthen marriages and provide positive results for Kansas children. The program, Marriage for… Continue reading Catholic Charities, Newman University, Agencies Partner to Administer Program