The Newman University Project SONRISA is again seeking donations of toothbrushes for Guatemalan children. The project has set a goal this year of collecting 11,000 toothbrushes by April 1.
Brittanie Bockman
Help students collect 11,000 new toothbrushes by April 1 for Guatemalan children
Students in the “Study and Serve in Guatemala” program are heavily involved in their campaign called Project SONRISA to collect 11,000 new toothbrushes by April 1 for Guatemalan children.
Students aim to collect 11,000 new toothbrushes by April 1 for Guatemalan children
Students in the “Study and Serve in Guatemala” program have launched a campaign called Project SONRISA to collect 11,000 new toothbrushes by April 1 for Guatemalan children.
Students work to collect 11,000 toothbrushes for Guatemalan children
Students in the “Study and Serve in Guatemala” program have launched a campaign to collect 11,000 new toothbrushes by April 1, for Guatemalan children. The campaign, called Project SONRISA, means… Continue reading Students work to collect 11,000 toothbrushes for Guatemalan children