Renowned Newman scholar Edward Jeremy Miller, Ph.D., S.T.D. will present the Cardinal Newman Guest Lecture at 7 p.m., Tues., Feb. 22 in the Dugan-Gorges Conference Center on the Newman University… Continue reading Newman scholar Edward Jeremy Miller featured speaker during Cardinal Newman Week / Banquet tickets still available
Tarcisia Roths ASC Alumni Lounge
Hall of Fame and Homecoming begins Friday, Feb. 4. Get your tickets now!
Newman University will stage a number of events Feb. 4 – 6 in celebration of Homecoming 2011 and the Newman University Athletics Hall of Fame Class of 2011.
Newman to stage Homecoming, Athletics Hall of Fame Feb. 4-6.
Newman University will stage a number of events Feb. 4-6 in celebration of Homecoming 2011 and the Newman University Athletics Hall of Fame Class of 2011.
RSVP now for ‘Knowledge vs. Learning’ Mission Talk Nov. 16 and 17
Newman University will present the next Mission Talk, “Knowledge vs. Learning: What Newman Meant by the Distinction and Why it Matters,” from noon to 12:50 p.m., Nov. 16 and 17… Continue reading RSVP now for ‘Knowledge vs. Learning’ Mission Talk Nov. 16 and 17
Charity Night for Haiti set for this Saturday
A social and dance to benefit Haiti that was postponed from January because of winter weather will take place from 8 p.m. to midnight this Saturday, Feb. 20, in the… Continue reading Charity Night for Haiti set for this Saturday
Social, dance benefit for Haiti moved to Feb. 20
The social and dance to benefit Haiti, which was postponed because of winter weather, is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 20. The social will feature food and beverages, and will be… Continue reading Social, dance benefit for Haiti moved to Feb. 20