ASC sisters celebrate their 50-year Jubilees as Adorers

Sisters of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ raise their hands as they read a prayer in unison.

Sister Barbara Smith, ASC, and Sister Diana Rawlings, ASC, celebrated their 50th Jubilees as Adorers of the Blood of Christ in July 2024.

Overcoming oceans: Sophia Kassita’s Newman nursing journey

Sophia Kassita wears her scrubs, gloves and stethoscope in a Newman nursing classroom. Photo courtesy of JCBPix Photography.

For Newman University graduate Sophia Kassita ‘24, attending Newman University’s nursing school was a transatlantic journey. 

Newman bowling coach graduates alongside his student-athletes

Coach Billy Murphy received his college diploma from President Kathleen Jagger during Newman University commencement day.

Newman Bowling Coach Billy Murphy earned his college degree alongside his graduating student-athletes on commencement day May 10. 

Grace Hertel of Oregon awarded St. Newman full-tuition scholarship

Grace Hertel is one of five St. Newman full-tuition scholars of 2024. (Courtesy photo)

Grace Hertel of Forest Grove, Oregon, was one of five students awarded the full-tuition St. Newman Scholarship from Newman University.

Director of Music Deanne Zogleman reprises role in ‘Hello, Dolly’

"Hello, Dolly" features Director of Music Deanne Zogleman (center) as "Dolly." (Photo credit: Louise Brinegar)

Newman Director of Music Deanne Zogleman will reprise the role of “Dolly” in “Hello, Dolly” alongside Newman alumni July 18-21.

Alumnus Matt Riedl wins Emmy for Catholic video ‘Portraits of the Call’

Riedl with his Emmy Award for his "Portraits of the Call" video project with the Diocese of Lansing in Michigan.

Less than 10 years after graduating from Newman University, alumnus Matt Riedl ’15 recently won an Emmy Award for his video storytelling.

Professor Straub hits 50th interview with media as local expert

(From left to right) KAKE News general manager Mike Rajewski and KAKE news reporter Jocelyn Schifferdecker with Straub.

Larry Straub, DBA, was recently interviewed by local media for the 50th time for being an expert in business and economics.

Newman hosts national reacting game development conference

Ferguson (left) dressed as Marie Antoinette for “The Diamond Necklace Affair” game during the Reacting Game Development Conference at Newman University.

Faculty members from across the US traveled to Newman University for the Reacting to the Past Game Development Conference July 11-13.

‘A miracle’ leads seminarian Matthew Ralls back to Newman

Ralls stands before a white cross with fellow participants of the 2012 Guatemala Study and Serve program at Newman University.

Matthew Ralls ‘14 believes divine intervention brought him back to Newman University for the 2024 summer Spanish immersion program.

First-generation graduate Melody Mertes inspired by parents to earn degree

Mertes greets a friend following the Baccalaureate Mass in St. John's Chapel for graduates and their families.

First-generation graduate Melody Mertes ’24 was inspired by her parents to earn her college degree from Newman University.

Father Adam Grelinger completes last days as Newman chaplain

Father Adam Grelinger (second from the left) folds his hands on stage at the 2024 Newman commencement ceremony.

After five years as the campus chaplain, Father Adam Grelinger ‘11 celebrated his last day at Newman University on June 21.

Newman employee Tiffany Webster earns 2 degrees in 5 years

(From left to right) Jill Fort (associate vice president of academic affairs), Tiffany Webster (outreach student success coordinator), Jessica Bird (dean of the School of Education and Social Work) and Alden Stout (vice president of academic affairs).

Newman University graduate Tiffany Webster ‘23, she took her boss’s words to heart when encouraged to earn her master’s degree.

Marilyn Roberts receives Msgr. Leon A. McNeill Achievement Award

Roberts received the Leon A. McNeill Alumni Award.

Alumna Marilyn Roberts ‘03, ‘07, won the 2024 Monsignor Leon A. McNeill Achievement Award from Newman University.

Nursing professor retires after 30+ years at Newman

Strickert receives flowers from the graduating Newman University class of 2024.

Associate Professor of Nursing Debbie Strickert retired on a high note with more than 30 years as a Newman University faculty member.

Allie Johnson awarded KICF Maud Wyatt Recognition Scholarship

Newman University student Allie Johnson was recently recognized as a recipient of the 2024 Maud Wyatt Recognition Scholarship.

Graduate with heart for service wins 2024 Leona J. Ablah Award

Newman University President Kathleen Jagger, Ph.D., MPH, awards Ashley Dinh the 2024 Leona J. Ablah Award.

On one of the biggest days of her life, Newman University graduate Ashley Dinh won the 2024 Leona J. Ablah Award.

A perfect time for a proposal: Newman grads find love

Suffield kneels down during his proposal to Umbarger in St. John's Chapel following the Baccalaureate Mass May 9.

For two recent Newman University graduates, St. John’s Chapel will always play a special role in their college love story.

A captivating commencement speech from Father Tom Welk

Father Tom Welk gives his commencement address to Newman University graduates on May 10.

Father Tom Welk gifted the graduating class of Newman University with valuable advice during his 2024 commencement address May 10.

Making the most of the ‘little while’: Wisdom from Newman’s 2024 Baccalaureate Mass

Newman University’s 2024 Baccalaureate Mass provided inspirational reminders about making a positive impact during our time on Earth.

Once students, now nurses: 2024 pinning ceremony

Newman University nursing class of 2024

Seventeen Newman graduates received their ceremonial nursing pins Thursday, May 9, marking the transition from student to professional nurse.