Father Tatro returns to Newman for Gerber Institute ‘Lunch and Learn’

Jan 31, 2018

The Gerber Institute for Catholic Studies welcomes Father Joe Tatro as he presents, “Catholic Anthropology  and The Application to Therapeutic Practice.”

The “Lunch and Learn” will be held at noon Feb. 15 in the Tarcisia Roths, ASC, Alumni Center located on the second floor of Dugan Library. A free lunch will be provided.

Tatro was university chaplain at Newman until his departure in 2010. Currently, he is assigned to Catholic Charities of Wichita, Cana Counseling. Tatro received his undergraduate degree from Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, his Master of Divinity from Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, and his Master of Science from The Institute for the Psychological Sciences (IPS) in Arlington, Virginia. He also received his doctoral degree from IPS.

Tatro has been a Catholic priest for the Diocese of Wichita since 2000 and has served as an associate pastor, pastor, associate vocations director, diocesan master of ceremonies, and university chaplain and director of Campus Ministry.

He is interested in developing strong therapeutic relationships to enhance his work in psychological assessment, couple and family work and individual work with adults and adolescents.

Tatro said the purpose of his talk “will be about Catholic anthropology and its application to therapeutic practice. That means viewing the person from a Catholic-Christian perspective and how that effects psychotherapy.”

He explained, “Returning to Newman University brings a feeling of great joy to me. The five years I was the chaplain for the university and director of Campus Ministry and teaching in the theology department, are among my favorite years of my priesthood. The experiences I had there were diverse and gave me the opportunity to engage students, faculty, the ASC sisters and staff regularly. Returning to offer a Gerber Institute Lunch and Learn is both a great professional opportunity and an opportunity for me to give back to Newman University. The university continues to hold a special place in my heart and I hope to have future opportunities to interact and engage there.”

Director of Alumni Relations & Annual Giving Daniel Bryan worked with Tatro in Campus Ministry when he was a student.

Bryan said, “I am looking forward to reconnecting with Father Tatro because he was such an important part of my college experience. He helped me grow into a man of faith. Plus, we have always gotten along so well that it will be nice to have that friendship in my life.”

Bryan added, “We started in Campus Ministry together so it was a lot of the blind leading the blind, but we had such a great time. He was always open to starting new ministries and he would give us all the support we could need for that ministry. He wanted each student to know he cared about them, so it was great to support him in that effort. Overall, he was the reason that I got into the campus ministry field after Newman.”

For more information about the Lunch and Learn, or to RSVP for the event, contact Monica Borger (316) 942-4291, ext. 2422 or borgerm@newmanu.edu.
