Newman University welcomes Case Bell

Feb 16, 2016

Case Bell joined Newman University to fill the open position of director of the Academic Resource Center and Title IX/ADA coordinator.

Bell, who started at the beginning of February, took the place of former Director Bo Bonner, who left in January.

Bell came to Newman University from the City of Wichita, where he held a position as the community liaison for the south half of Wichita, districts three and four. Prior to that position, Bell had worked with the Wichita Children’s Home.

“Since I started out in education with the children’s home, I always wanted to come back to education, and this was a good opportunity to do so,” Bell said.

Bell is a Wichita-area native, graduating from Andover High School and receiving three bachelors degrees from Wichita State University before going on to get a masters from Illinois State University.

Bell said he is excited about his role with the Academic Resource Center on campus and eager to increase its popularity.

“I think the Academic Resource Center has the potential to be a central point on campus,” Bell said. “It’s a little bit tucked away up here on the third floor [of Sacred Heart Hall], but I think it does some really cool things and could be really important to the campus and a good resource to the students.”

Bell said his main goal right now is to improve marketing efforts and work with other departments to find new ways to increase foot traffic to the center.

During his first few weeks, Bell said he has already seen what a great environment Newman University is to work in.

“I love the atmosphere here — everyone is super nice and very welcoming,” Bell said. “Coming from the city, which is very bureaucratic minded, it is very interesting and exciting for me to be in a place that values creativity and thinking outside of the box and that always puts the students first. It’s really great to be in a place that values the clients that they work for.”

