Steckline Gallery presents ‘Machine-Nature Interface #131 (Shadows)’ for First Friday

Sep 23, 2021
Machine-Nature Interface

The Steckline Gallery will present “Machine-Nature Interface #131 (Shadows)” by Mike Miller during a First Friday exhibition from 5-8 p.m. Oct. 1 at Newman University.

“Machine-Nature Interface #131 (Shadows)” will be on display Sept. 30-Oct. 28. An artist talk event will take place Sept. 30 from noon to 1 p.m. Lunch will not be provided by the gallery; however, attendees are welcome to bring their own lunch. All events are free and open to the public.

About the artist

Miller is best known for his sculpture series, which combine a natural object with a human-made object. Most of Miller’s works are kinetic and produce an original movement or action.

“In this series of sculptures, I’m working with the idea that everything is a machine, and that there are two main types: human-made and nature-made machines,” Miller said. “To express the connection between art, machines and human culture, each of these sculptures combines natural elements (rock, feather, plant, etc.) with human-made elements (rusty farm machinery, motors, etc.), creating the machine-nature interface.”

Mike Miller, courtesy photo
Mike Miller, courtesy photo

Miller was born, raised and educated in Kansas. He taught as a Newman adjunct professor of art and finds inspiration and materials for both the machine and nature aspects of his work around his home and studio in rural Butler County.

“I hope to show that as human technology advances, the difference between natural and human-made machines will decrease until they eventually blend together and that the merging of the two is a good thing not to be feared,” Miller said.

Director of Steckline Gallery and Assistant Professor of Art Shannon Johnston is excited to have Miller as part of this year’s show schedule.

“It is great to have him back on campus sharing his work with us,” Johnston said.

About the gallery

The Steckline Gallery is located inside the De Mattias Fine Arts Center on the Newman campus, 3100 McCormick. The gallery is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., or by appointment.

For more information, email Director of Steckline Gallery Shannon Johnston at [email protected].
