Dugan Library stays open 105 hours during finals week

Dec 08, 2021

The Newman University Dugan Library staff finds creative ways to support students throughout every semester. This finals week, the library is open for 105 hours straight. 

“From 8 a.m. Monday (Dec. 6) to 5 p.m. Friday (Dec. 10), we’re open,” Steve Hamersky, assistant professor and director of library services, said.

The Dugan Library staff also has a stash of piping hot coffee and snacks to fuel students through their various research papers, presentations and study hours.

Steve Hamersky
Steve Hamersky

“When I show up at midnight, I get the coffee pots out and get bags of snacks and chips, Kool-Aid drinks and water ready for students,” Hamersky said. “I usually take Jeanette (Parker)’s candy basket around and hand it out to students to keep an accurate headcount of how many in the library at a time.”

In the past, students have spent entire nights studying in the library during extended hours.

“Sometimes they fall asleep,” Hamersky said. “That’s why I’ll ask students how long they plan on studying in the library, so when I make my 7:30 rounds and they have 8 a.m. class, I can say ‘Class is coming.’”

Sticking with it

After Hamersky and his team received positive feedback in the past for keeping the library open for 72 hours, they decided to expand the time frame even further.

If even one student takes advantage of the library’s extended hours, it’s worth it to the library staff, Hamersky said.

Steve Hamersky (right) works with his library staff.
Steve Hamersky (right) works with his library staff.

“I enjoy doing it and interacting with the students, and the attendance proves that there’s a need for it,” he said. “We want students to study where it’s most comfortable, and the library is a central place for them to come in as a group and finish out the semester strong.”

Hamersky’s finals week advice for students is to “study hard and do the best you can.”

“We’re here to help you have a place to study,” he added.

Take a 360-degree tour of the Dugan Library.
