An Easter wish for the Newman community

Apr 09, 2020
newman university

Newman University will be closed Friday, April 10, in observation of Good Friday.

Easter is a time for faith, family and friends. While most will not be able to gather in large family celebrations and church services this year, the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection is in the hearts of God’s people.

Interim President Teresa Hall Bartels sent a special Easter wish to the Newman community. Read her message here.

Dear Members of the Newman Faculty and Staff,

I hope this message finds you safe and healthy, preparing for the Easter Triduum, which is one of the most sacred times of the year for our Catholic community.

The Jewish members of our community began their weeklong observance of Passover last evening, during which they commemorate the journey from bondage to freedom. Tonight, Christians around the world will begin the celebration of the Easter Mysteries that mark the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

For all of us, these days of springtime encourage us to think about the renewal of the earth and our ongoing responsibility to take better care of it.

We are in the midst of such a strange and uncharted time. I don’t have adequate words to express my deep appreciation to you for your efforts on behalf of our students. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you for all that you are doing that is likely stretching your comfort zone at this time.

God bless you and keep you safe and healthy. With appreciation,

