A new collection of archival photos, artifacts and more celebrating Newman’s 90 years is on display in the Heritage Room, located on the first floor of Sacred Heart Hall, for students, faculty, staff and alumni.
The “Celebrating 90 Years” display was created by Shirley Rueb, a dedicated volunteer, alumna and retired employee.
Newman University celebrated its 90th year Sept. 12. It has had four name changes since opening as Sacred Heart Junior College in 1933, which was an all-girls school. It changed to Sacred Heart College (1954-1972), then to its most popular name, Kansas Newman (1973-1998) and finally Newman University (1998-present).
As a graduate of Sacred Heart College and a former employee of 47 years, Rueb jumped at the opportunity to install the history-filled Heritage Room display.
“I hope that people will spend a lot of time just looking at the display, and I hope that they will enjoy it,” said Rueb.
Rueb found the shelving to be the perfect setup since the 90 years were divided into three main sets.
The first shelf, starting at the top, displays pictures from the first graduating class to the first buildings and structures on campus in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s.
The second shelf displays artifacts from the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. They include a copy of the first Channel, a student literary journal now known as The Coelacanth, the Newman fight song, “The Heartbeat,” and the first yearbook.
The 1990s to the present day are signified with items such as the most recent campus map, a mask used during the COVID-19 pandemic and a copy of The Vantage.
“I really hope that people enjoy it,” said Steve Hamersky, former library director. “The more that people stop in and look at it, the better. I hope people can reminisce on it.”
Explore Newman University Archives
The University Archives, established in the 1990s, documents the history of Newman University.