Newman University crowns Homecoming royalty

Feb 25, 2021
homecoming 2021

Newman University Homecoming was held on Feb. 18, 2021.

Students celebrated all week long with events planned by Student Life. On Thursday night, students gathered in the Fugate Student Center to watch the basketball games and the crowning ceremony through a livestream.

Students gather to watch the Homecoming Crowning Ceremony.

Food, snacks and homecoming shirts were provided for attendees.

The women’s basketball team played Northeastern State and fell 60-47. The men also took on the Riverhawks and pulled out a win, ending the game with a score of 74-66.

The homecoming ceremony was held at halftime of the men’s basketball game. King and queen candidates met in the student center before walking to Fugate Gymnasium for the ceremony.

Queen candidates included Braxtyn Stewart, Gabrielle Altenor, Haley Albers, Katherine Sullivan and Karen Do.

King candidates included Chase Bowman, Cole Schnieders, McGrew “Mac” Foley, Mitchell Austin and Zachary Myers.

The Newman University Cheer and Dance team performed at halftime prior to the ceremony.

Homecoming Candidates (l to r): Zachary Myers, Gabrielle Altenor, Katherine Sullivan, Mitchell Austin, Karen Do, Haley Albers, Braxtyn Stewart, Chase Bowman, McGrew “Mac” Foley. Not pictured: Cole Schneiders

During the ceremony, candidates walked out one at a time, some escorted by their family members, while Dean of Students Christine Schneikart-Luebbe announced their accomplishments and involvement at Newman University.

Mitchell Austin and Karen Do were announced as the 2021 Homecoming king and queen.

Mitchell Austin is crowned as the
2021 Homecoming King.

Austin is from Sydney, Australia, and is a part of the Newman baseball team. He said the crowning meant a lot to him.

“I didn’t think I was going to make the court or anything, and they don’t do this stuff in Australia either, so it’s a cool experience and a great way to end my time as a student here at Newman,” he said.

He expressed his gratitude for all those who voted for him and said he was proud to represent the baseball program in this way.

Austin said he had to explain homecoming to his family in Australia.

“They all thought it was kind of a movie thing so to actually be doing it is really cool.”

Austin was planning to give his family a call in his king outfit and is considering switching out his baseball helmet for his crown.

Karen Do is crowned 2021 Homecoming Queen.

Do said she was very surprised to have been chosen as the 2021 Homecoming Queen.

She is highly involved on campus and said the crown made her feel like what she’s been doing on campus has made a difference.

“I guess this just means that my impact at Newman has made a difference and that I’ve been noticed and that it’s just a really good note for the end of the year,” she said.

Do was thankful that the Student Life department did their best to keep with tradition and make the evening special despite COVID-19 restrictions.

She hopes this high note carries through the end of the semester. Do wants to further her education in physical therapy and is currently applying to various programs.
