Final Friday Nov. 27 at Newman University Steckline Gallery presents ‘Shackleton’ screen prints by Kevin Mullins

The Newman University Steckline Gallery will present “Shackleton” by Kevin Mullins as the fourth show of its 2015-2016 season. The exhibition of mixed media and screen printing, which begins with… Continue reading Final Friday Nov. 27 at Newman University Steckline Gallery presents ‘Shackleton’ screen prints by Kevin Mullins

Civil rights activist Richard Lapchick on the power of sports

Richard Lapchick, Ph.D. spoke to Newman University students, faculty, staff and alumni on Nov. 10, 2015.

Richard Lapchick, Ph.D. delivered his lecture “Diversity in Sports” to a group of Newman University students, faculty, staff and alumni on Tuesday, Nov. 10, covering civic and social issues including… Continue reading Civil rights activist Richard Lapchick on the power of sports

Joshua Papsdorf speaks to Public Relations Society on ethics

Josh Papsdorf

Joshua Papsdorf, Ph.D., associate professor of theology at Newman University, was the featured speaker at a meeting of the Kansas chapter of the Public Relations Society of America on Oct. 27.… Continue reading Joshua Papsdorf speaks to Public Relations Society on ethics

SGA Service Fair highlights volunteer opportunities

Rainbows United, Inc. attends Newman University Student Government Association's Service Fair Nov. 9, 2015.

Newman University fosters a culture of service, encouraging faculty, staff and, especially, students to serve their community. This week, the Newman University Student Government Association invited Wichita-area organizations, including Rainbows United,… Continue reading SGA Service Fair highlights volunteer opportunities

Newman hosts glove drive for The Salvation Army and blood drive for American Red Cross

Newman University is holding a glove and mitten drive for donation to The Salvation Army. The drive is running from Oct. 19 to Nov. 2. A freshman Traditions and Transitions… Continue reading Newman hosts glove drive for The Salvation Army and blood drive for American Red Cross

Final Friday Oct. 30 at Newman University Steckline Gallery presents ‘The Box Project,’ paintings by Eric Carbrey

The Newman University Steckline Gallery will present “The Box Project” by Eric Carbrey as the third show of its 2015-2016 season. The exhibition of paintings, which begins with a Final… Continue reading Final Friday Oct. 30 at Newman University Steckline Gallery presents ‘The Box Project,’ paintings by Eric Carbrey

‘Hay Fever’ show to ‘infect’ campus with laughter

The Newman University Theatre Department season opener “Hay Fever” is said to cause symptoms including uncontrollable giggling, light-heartedness, and, in extreme cases, highly infectious laughter in people of all ages. “Hay… Continue reading ‘Hay Fever’ show to ‘infect’ campus with laughter

Renowned expert and author on hunger David Beckmann to speak at Newman University Oct. 6

Rev. David Beckmann, author of Exodus from Hunger and a noted expert on overcoming hunger and poverty, will speak at Newman University at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 6 in… Continue reading Renowned expert and author on hunger David Beckmann to speak at Newman University Oct. 6

Final Friday Sept. 25 at Newman University Steckline Galley presents ‘White, Et Cetera,’ drawings by Gehry Kolher

The Newman University Steckline Gallery will present “White, Et Cetera” by Gehry Kolher as the second show of its 2015-2016 season. The exhibition of drawings, which begins with a Final… Continue reading Final Friday Sept. 25 at Newman University Steckline Galley presents ‘White, Et Cetera,’ drawings by Gehry Kolher