Dress for Success held its 3rd Annual Kansas Women of Distinction publication party Tuesday, Nov. 15, at the Abode Venue in downtown Wichita. Each year the event, hosted by Dress… Continue reading Charlotte Rohrbach, ASC recognized as Kansas Woman of Distinction
Molly Fox
Newman University brings back theatre with performances, academic programs
Though all the world’s a stage, the one at Newman University has been less active in recent years than the school has been accustomed to. That will change beginning this… Continue reading Newman University brings back theatre with performances, academic programs
Newman students seek alumni support
Newman University students may call alumni as early as Monday as part of the annual Newman Fund Phonathon.
Newman employees learn about, support Adorers of the Blood of Christ through Associates program
Five Newman University employees and one alumna recently made a commitment to support the Adorers of the Blood of Christ (ASC) through the ASC Associates program.
Help students collect 11,000 new toothbrushes by April 1 for Guatemalan children
Students in the “Study and Serve in Guatemala” program are heavily involved in their campaign called Project SONRISA to collect 11,000 new toothbrushes by April 1 for Guatemalan children.
Students aim to collect 11,000 new toothbrushes by April 1 for Guatemalan children
Students in the “Study and Serve in Guatemala” program have launched a campaign called Project SONRISA to collect 11,000 new toothbrushes by April 1 for Guatemalan children.
Students work to collect 11,000 toothbrushes for Guatemalan children
Students in the “Study and Serve in Guatemala” program have launched a campaign to collect 11,000 new toothbrushes by April 1, for Guatemalan children. The campaign, called Project SONRISA, means… Continue reading Students work to collect 11,000 toothbrushes for Guatemalan children
Help student callers reach Annual Fund goal
Tonight is the last night Newman students will call alumni for the Annual Fund drive. Show your support for NU by helping students close a $1,500 gap toward their goal.
Answer the call to the Annual Fund Phonathon
Newman students are continuing to make calls to alumni requesting contributions to the Newman Annual Fund. The phonathon runs through Feb. 18.
Annual Fund Phonathon begins Feb. 1
Newman students will be placing more than 3,000 calls to alumni inviting them to contribute to the Newman Annual Fund from Feb. 1 to 18. This year’s goal is to… Continue reading Annual Fund Phonathon begins Feb. 1
Annual Fund Phonathon begins Feb. 1
The annual Phonathon will take place Feb. 1-18, with current Newman students placing more than 3,000 calls to alumni inviting them to contribute to the Newman Annual Fund.
NU at the Kansas State Fair 2009
Newman University thanks all who stopped by the NU booth at the 2009 Kansas State Fair, which ended Sept. 20.