Newman presents ‘Death by Chocolate’ murder mystery dinner

The Newman University theater department presents the farce, mystery thriller “Death by Chocolate” by Paul Freed, accompanied by a luxurious four-course dinner served by Great Western Dining Oct. 11-13 in… Continue reading Newman presents ‘Death by Chocolate’ murder mystery dinner

Upcoming ‘Cultural Extravaganza’ brings unique performances to the Newman campus

Newman Students celebrate their heritage at last year's Extravaganza

An event one year in the making has almost arrived. Newman University’s Multicultural Leadership Organization (MCLO) Cultural Extravaganza will take place 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 28, in the De Mattias… Continue reading Upcoming ‘Cultural Extravaganza’ brings unique performances to the Newman campus


Newman University is proud to partner with Google to offer free skill-building activities for anyone looking to improve their business, digital skills, or career. “Google will host a full-day event at… Continue reading #GrowWithGoogle

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