History Department hosts speaker Erin Weber, author of ‘Lennon vs. McCartney’

The Newman University History Department presents Erin Weber, author of “Lennon vs. McCartney: How Beatles History was Written and Re-Written,” at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9 in the Dugan-Gorges Conference Center.… Continue reading History Department hosts speaker Erin Weber, author of ‘Lennon vs. McCartney’

Newman School of Nursing and Allied Health receives eight year reaccreditation for Radiologic Technology program

The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology has awarded the Newman University School of Nursing and Allied Health a reaccreditation of eight years — the maximum amount of… Continue reading Newman School of Nursing and Allied Health receives eight year reaccreditation for Radiologic Technology program

Students give Newman University high marks on national survey

High school juniors and seniors looking for a college where they will be challenged to do their best work, have multiple opportunities to participate in service-learning activities, enjoy positive interactions… Continue reading Students give Newman University high marks on national survey

Campus Ministry helps Catholic Charities in Chicago during annual winter service trip

L-r, front row: Monica Borger, Angela de Souza, Brigette Sponsel, Christine Wolf, Kylie Werth, Fr. John Fogliasso. Back row: Ellen Kurtzweil, Victor Phan, Alec Hampton, Luke Sponsel, Dominic Bacha.

Adding a retreat component to an annual winter service trip was something new for Campus Ministry at Newman University. Newman Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry Father John Fogliasso and Campus Ministry… Continue reading Campus Ministry helps Catholic Charities in Chicago during annual winter service trip

Sarah Sanford will present ‘Lightfast’ during January’s Final Friday at Steckline Gallery

(Photo by Joe Ramos)

Artist Sarah Sanford loves exploring the physical nature of light. She has been photographing light for more than a decade, capturing its movement and reflective ways. Beginning Friday, Jan. 27,… Continue reading Sarah Sanford will present ‘Lightfast’ during January’s Final Friday at Steckline Gallery

Newman University meets $1 million Mabee Foundation ‘challenge’ grant for new science center

(Above: Newman Vice President for University Advancement J.V. Johnston announces to a crowd gathered in the Eck Hall lobby that the university has secured the grant and exceeded campaign goals.) Newman… Continue reading Newman University meets $1 million Mabee Foundation ‘challenge’ grant for new science center

Newman University celebrates successful Facing Forward campaign with ‘Topping-Off’ ceremony

Two construction crew members erect a symbolic cross on top of the Bishop Gerber Science Center.

A large crowd consisting of the Newman University community along with local news media gathered inside Eck Hall Jan. 9, 2017 as Vice President for University Advancement J.V. Johnston took… Continue reading Newman University celebrates successful Facing Forward campaign with ‘Topping-Off’ ceremony

Newman community members volunteer for Christmas service tradition

Vicki Bergkamp, ASC and Tarcisia Roths, ASC stand in front of bags filled with gifts to be distributed to those in need

Close to 40 Newman University faculty, staff, students and alumni took part in a longstanding holiday tradition to bring toys and other goods to families and children in need –… Continue reading Newman community members volunteer for Christmas service tradition