Newman University’s Heritage Month has ended, but with it comes new memories to celebrate the university’s founders, namesake and history.
Video: Sunday Mass moves up for Super Bowl
Super Bowl viewers no longer need to worry about missing Sunday Mass at Newman University.
Making the most of the ‘little while’: Wisdom from Newman’s 2024 Baccalaureate Mass
Newman University’s 2024 Baccalaureate Mass provided inspirational reminders about making a positive impact during our time on Earth.
The intriguing history behind the Feast Day of St. Maria De Mattias
Feb. 4 is the Feast Day of Saint Maria De Mattias — the founder of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ (ASC). According to the history of ASC, “Maria… Continue reading The intriguing history behind the Feast Day of St. Maria De Mattias
Special Cardinal Newman Mass for Heritage Month
A special Cardinal Newman Mass will be celebrated for Heritage Month to honor the university’s namesake John Henry Cardinal Newman. Every February students, faculty, staff, and alumni come together to celebrate… Continue reading Special Cardinal Newman Mass for Heritage Month
Spring Break runs March 14-18
Next week, Newman University students will take a much deserved break from classes. Spring Break runs March 14-18. Mass, confessions and adoration will not be held in St. John’s Chapel during Spring… Continue reading Spring Break runs March 14-18
Celebrating our namesake with Cardinal Newman Week
Newman University celebrated its namesake John Henry Cardinal Newman’s 215th birthday Sunday, Feb. 21, with a special Mass and after-Mass get-together as part of Heritage Month. John Henry Newman was… Continue reading Celebrating our namesake with Cardinal Newman Week
Heritage Month begins with Mass for St. Maria De Mattias
Heritage Month began today, Feb. 4, with Mass celebrating the feast day of St. Maria De Mattias, the foundress of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ (ASC), the founders… Continue reading Heritage Month begins with Mass for St. Maria De Mattias
Newman University celebrates Veteran’s Day with a special Mass
Newman will be holding it’s second annual Veteran’s Day Mass at 12:05 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 11 in the St. John’s Chapel on campus. The mass will be held to… Continue reading Newman University celebrates Veteran’s Day with a special Mass
Newman Campus Ministry holding time of consecration to Jesus from Oct. 19 to Nov. 21
Newman Campus Ministry is helping students, faculty and staff who want to deepen their faith with a time of preparation for consecration to Jesus Christ. The prayerful journey began Oct.… Continue reading Newman Campus Ministry holding time of consecration to Jesus from Oct. 19 to Nov. 21
Heritage Month features Gregorian chant workshop and Mass
The sacred sounds of Gregorian chant will soon be heard on the Newman University campus. As part of the first Heritage Month, celebrating the traditions of Newman and the Adorers… Continue reading Heritage Month features Gregorian chant workshop and Mass
Newman University to honor veterans Nov. 11 at special Mass
Newman University Chaplain Fr. John Fogliasso will celebrate a special Mass in honor of veterans at 12:05 p.m. on Veterans Day, Nov. 11 in St. John Chapel, inside Sacred Heart… Continue reading Newman University to honor veterans Nov. 11 at special Mass
Mass of the Holy Spirit to be held on Aug. 28
On Aug. 28 the Mass of the Holy Spirit and Matriculation Service will be held on the Newman University campus. The mass will begin at 11 a.m. in St. John’s… Continue reading Mass of the Holy Spirit to be held on Aug. 28
Bishop celebrates Mass for vocations on Newman University campus
The Most Rev. Michael O. Jackels, bishop of the Diocese of Wichita, will celebrate a Mass for vocations at 7 p.m. on June 30 in St. John’s Chapel at Newman University.
Make plans now for Cardinal Newman Week Feb. 20-26
For decades, Newman University has set aside a week to honor the life, lessons and ideals of John Henry Cardinal Newman, the university’s namesake. This year, the week will have… Continue reading Make plans now for Cardinal Newman Week Feb. 20-26
Newman University to hold Fall 2010 graduation activities Dec. 10-11
Newman University will hold the Fall 2010 Baccalaureate Mass and Commencement ceremony on Dec. 10 and Dec. 11, respectively. The university will also honor graduating nursing students, and will award… Continue reading Newman University to hold Fall 2010 graduation activities Dec. 10-11
Thanksgiving break Nov. 24 – 28
Thanksgiving break begins at noon on Wednesday, Nov. 24 at Newman University. During the break, no classes will be held and offices will be closed. Classes resume and offices reopen… Continue reading Thanksgiving break Nov. 24 – 28
Center of Hope founder passes away
The Newman community mourns the passing of Stella Rosenhamer, ASC, who passed away early in the morning of Nov. 3. Rosenhamer was a leader in the religious and civic communities… Continue reading Center of Hope founder passes away
Homily by Pope Benedict XVI at the Beatification Ceremony of John Henry Cardinal Newman in Birmingham, England on Sept. 19, 2010
This day that has brought us together here in Birmingham is a most auspicious one. In the first place, it is the Lord’s day, Sunday, the day when our Lord… Continue reading Homily by Pope Benedict XVI at the Beatification Ceremony of John Henry Cardinal Newman in Birmingham, England on Sept. 19, 2010
John Henry Cardinal Newman Beatification Mass and ceremony re-airing set for Sept. 19
Join Father Simone and the Newman community in celebrating the beatification of John Henry Cardinal Newman on Sunday, Sept. 19.
Senior ASC Capstone project to help Haiti earthquake survivors
During the 7 p.m., April 25 Sunday Mass at St. John’s Chapel on campus, there will be a car wash in the maintenance parking lot from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m… Continue reading Senior ASC Capstone project to help Haiti earthquake survivors
Students move into residence halls as school is set to begin
Newman volunteers and family members help new students move into the residence halls this week preparing for the fall semester which begins Aug. 22.
Father Kapaun Mural Unveiled
Artist Wendy Lewis describes the symbolism in a 12-foot by 4.5-foot mural she painted of Father Emil Kapaun, which was unveiled Wednesday, Aug. 5 in St. John’s Chapel on… Continue reading Father Kapaun Mural Unveiled
Newman Prepares For Its 75th Anniversary
Sept. 12, 2008 is the 75th Anniversary of Newman University, so this coming school year, make sure you are a part of the celebration!
Family Weekend Scheduled for Oct. 5 – 7
Mark your calendars, contact family members and plan to attend Newman’s Family Weekend starting with a Tailgate Party at 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 6 in the parking lot near… Continue reading Family Weekend Scheduled for Oct. 5 – 7