Newman nursing students Lindsay Espinosa-Pablo and Brandon Welch received far more than just a glazed donut during Jet Friday on April 5.
Newman University
Campus reflects on sacredness of creation during Earth Day
Earth Day wasn’t just another Monday at Newman University — it was a day to recognize the sacredness of Earth, created by God.
Sisters’ spaghetti brings students together
The Adorers of the Blood of Christ (ASC) sisters know the way into the hearts of Newman students, and it’s through spaghetti.
Biology professor probes question of life beyond Earth with NASA
The answer to the age-old question, “is there life on other planets?” now involves one of Newman’s biology professors.
Kansas Food Bank benefits from Newman service day
On April 17, several students, faculty and staff traveled to the Kansas Food Bank to participate in a Newman service day.
Podcast: Life in the Bahamas
In a recent episode of The Newman Bond, four Bahamian students share their experiences growing up and living in the Bahamas.
Legacy Awards Banquet honors the stewards of Newman’s future
More than 130 supporters and friends of Newman University gathered the evening of April 16 to celebrate the Legacy Awards Banquet.
Med school bound: Nicole Romero’s Newman journey
Nicole Romero, a 2023 graduate of Newman University, was recently accepted into the University of Kansas Medical Center.
Academic Awards highlight accolades of Newman students
Newman University students were recognized for their exceptional academics and leadership during the annual Academic Awards Convocation April 10.
Five Newman students celebrate Latina Day at Kansas State Capitol
A group of five students from Newman University celebrated Latina Day at the Kansas State Capitol on March 6.
How are our study abroad students doing?
Newman students Katie Stewart, Hayley Stewart, Rosaline Martinez and Sydney Le have traveled to several places studying abroad in Europe.
Alumna survives three cancer journeys, dedicates life to God
Becky King, a 2000 Newman University graduate, has been teaching and living her life for God, but not without many challenges.
Newman University to celebrate Earth Week 2024
Newman University is excited to host its third annual Earth Week from Monday, April 15 – Friday, April 19 culminating on Earth Day April 22.
Newman receives $1.2 million for southwest Kansas partnerships
Newman University has been awarded a $1.2 million grant to help fund the launch of its Higher Education Access for Western Kansas Initiative.
Alumnus Evgeniy Kim ranked nationally in pickleball
For Newman University alumnus Evgeniy Kim ‘15, ‘17, pickleball is kind of a big dill.
Awards ceremony takes on new name: Newman Legacy Banquet
Every spring, Newman University celebrates the contributions of alumni and donors with a ceremony known as the Legacy Awards.
Chase Martel takes first place, makes Newman golf history
Golfer Chase Martel took first place at the Konzem-Capra Invitational March 18, becoming Newman University’s first number one overall finisher at a tournament since joining Division II.
Putting the ‘new’ in the Newman website
Visitors to the new NewmanU.Edu website can expect improved performance in security and accessibility — all with a polished new look.
Artist Jessica Page showcases in Steckline Gallery
Steckline Gallery will present “Reflecting on Legacy” by artist Jessica Page during a First Friday exhibition April 5 at Newman University.
Women’s bowling wins runner up at GLVC Championships
The Newman women’s bowling team competed at its second-ever Great Lakes Valley Conference March 24 and made it to the championship round.
Newman announces tuition freeze for 2024-25 academic year
Newman University President Kathleen S. Jagger, Ph.D., MPH, announced on March 26 that tuition rates for the 2024-25 academic year will not increase.
Students present ‘Out of the Box Play Festival’ April 4-6
Members of the community have three opportunities to see one-act plays at the Out of the Box Play Festival April 4-6 at Newman University.
Podcast: The value of social work
Two leaders within social work at Newman University discussed the value of the field on a recent podcast episode of The Newman Bond.
7th time’s the charm: Cultural Extravaganza continues tradition
Every spring, the Cultural Extravaganza — the biggest student-led event at Newman University — comes to life for Wichita to enjoy.
Newman thanks donors during annual scholarship luncheon
Newman University hosted its scholarship luncheon to show appreciation to donors for their kindness in providing scholarships to students.
Holy Week Reflections
These reflections are based on the Mass readings for Holy Week and are provided by Newman University community members.
Week 5: Lent 2024 Reflections
Read Lenten reflections based on the Mass readings for the fifth week, provided by Newman University community members.
Newman celebrates 2024 National Social Work Month
Newman University recognizes the ever-growing profession of social work and its contributions to society throughout March.
Newman’s 10th Heritage Month comes to a close
Newman Heritage Month has officially come to a close, but with it comes new memories to celebrate our founders, namesake and history.
Week 4: 2024 Lenten reflections
Newman community members share reflections based on the Mass readings for the fourth week of Lent.
A lively homecoming night connects Newman community
A leap year homecoming night at Newman brought roaring student crowds, alumni from the ages and student-athletes together to celebrate the end of Heritage Month.
Lent 2024 – Week 3 reflections
As we near the midway portion of our Lenten journey, Newman University community members share their reflections on the Mass readings for each of day of Lent.
Several on-campus resources available to Newman students
Newman University students have access to several resources on campus, from tutoring and laptop checkouts to counseling and career services.
88 students awarded first-year Newman scholarships
Newman University recently offered 88 of its top scholarships to participants of this year’s Scholarship Interview Days competition.
‘Yes, go to Newman’: Jami Turnquist’s student experience
After taking pre-dental courses at Newman University, student Jami Turnquist was accepted into dental school in Kansas City.
Newman hosts International Women’s Day event March 8
Newman University will host “Strong Women Boldly Building Dreams” March 8 at 9 am in the Dugan-Gorges Conference Center.
Heritage Month contest winners announced
Three winners have been selected for an essay, TikTok and graphic arts contest during Heritage Month at Newman.
‘Spilling the tea’ on St. John Henry Newman during High Tea
In this episode of The Newman Bond podcast, two staff members “spill the tea” on St. John Henry Newman’s life and legacy.
On display in March: ‘Looking In: Photographs from the Kansas Border’
Steckline Gallery will present “Looking In: Photographs from the Kansas Border” by artist Cary Conover starting March 1 at Newman University.
Week 2 of Lenten Reflections 2024
To help inspire us during the Church’s grace-filled season of Lent, read Newman University community members’ reflections.