Christian philosopher James K.A. Smith to speak on ‘Resident Aliens: The City of God in a Secular Age’

Christian philosopher and speaker James K.A. Smith will be at Newman University from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Feb. 23 and 24, in the Jabara Flexible Theater located in the… Continue reading Christian philosopher James K.A. Smith to speak on ‘Resident Aliens: The City of God in a Secular Age’

‘It’s not you, it’s them’ – micro aggression and unconscious bias panel

The Diversity program will host a panel about facing microaggression and unconscious bias on Wednesday, Feb. 21, from 5-8 p.m. in the Dugan-Gorges Conference Center. A microaggression is a statement,… Continue reading ‘It’s not you, it’s them’ – micro aggression and unconscious bias panel