We found 1282 results for your search.

Bachelor of Science program in business & strategic intelligence introduced this fall

Newman University is introducing a new Bachelor of Science program in business and strategic intelligence (BSI) to begin in the fall 2018 semester. No other college or university in the… Continue reading Bachelor of Science program in business & strategic intelligence introduced this fall

Delaney Hiegert receives prestigious Rice Scholarship to KU School of Law

Senior Delaney Hiegert was recently accepted into the University of Kansas School of Law to continue her education and has been granted the highly prestigious Rice Scholarship, which brings Kansas residents… Continue reading Delaney Hiegert receives prestigious Rice Scholarship to KU School of Law

Newman University publications showcase student and professional work

Coelacanth (see-la-canth) and archaeopteryx (ark-ee-op-tricks) are words not often used in the everyday vocabulary. In fact, the latter of the two is extinct and the former is nearly extinct. A… Continue reading Newman University publications showcase student and professional work

Newman alumna honored with papal knighthood for intellectual disability advocacy

Catherine (Curry) Mardon, 2007 Newman graduate, advocates for those with mental illnesses and disability, and young adults suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome. Mardon said her time at Newman was positive… Continue reading Newman alumna honored with papal knighthood for intellectual disability advocacy

Potential Jets visit campus for the weekend

Vice President for Enrollment Management Norm Jones speaks at the opening session

During Newman University’s recent annual Accepted Student Day, students accepted to Newman had the opportunity to speak to faculty and students, tour campus and get a glimpse into how they… Continue reading Potential Jets visit campus for the weekend

Max Frazier, Ph.D., celebrates education through two significant events

Interim Director of the School of Education and Associate Professor Max Frazier was invited to two significant events in the month of February — the Jardine Film Festival and the Kansas… Continue reading Max Frazier, Ph.D., celebrates education through two significant events

Christian philosopher James K.A. Smith to speak on ‘Resident Aliens: The City of God in a Secular Age’

Christian philosopher and speaker James K.A. Smith will be at Newman University from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Feb. 23 and 24, in the Jabara Flexible Theater located in the… Continue reading Christian philosopher James K.A. Smith to speak on ‘Resident Aliens: The City of God in a Secular Age’

Alumna Sarah Balderas makes big impact in immigration law

Judge Moritz and Baldaras. Judge Moritz is a U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit Judge and she administered the oath at the swearing-in ceremony for clinic.

At Newman University, students are prepared to transform society. Since Sarah Balderas graduated from Newman in 2015, she has been making her way through Washburn Law School, many internships and… Continue reading Alumna Sarah Balderas makes big impact in immigration law