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Fancy hats and lifted pinky fingers displayed at High Tea

Students, staff and faculty gathered in the Dugan-Gorges Conference Center on Tuesday, Feb. 23, to celebrate a  long-standing and well-known tradition at Newman University – “High Tea.” “This is one of my favorite… Continue reading Fancy hats and lifted pinky fingers displayed at High Tea

24-Hour Theatre Project proves the old adage true

The play "Strength" was produced by, from left: Jacob Hobbie, Lewis Mize, Sydney Finney, Vanessa Couey, Ximena Naame, and Trevor Farney.

In theatre, the old saying goes, “The show must go on!” — even if the play was written only four hours before rehearsals began, and even if the actors and… Continue reading 24-Hour Theatre Project proves the old adage true

Houston starts diversity conversation during LEAD Series

Terri Houston, diversity expert from the Center for Leadership Development, Inc., spoke on the Newman University campus Wednesday, Feb. 11, as part of the 2015-16 LEAD Series. “The LEAD Series is… Continue reading Houston starts diversity conversation during LEAD Series

Newman University Theatre Department to present ‘A Man for All Seasons’ March 3 – 6

The Newman University Theatre Department will present for its spring theatrical production “A Man for All Seasons” at 8 p.m. March 3-5 and at 2 p.m. March 6. All shows… Continue reading Newman University Theatre Department to present ‘A Man for All Seasons’ March 3 – 6

24-Hour Theatre Project a ‘high-adrenaline theatrical experience’

Newman University will host the 24-Hour Theatre Project Feb. 19-20 as part of its Heritage Month celebration. According to Mark Mannette, associate professor of theatre and director of the Theatre… Continue reading 24-Hour Theatre Project a ‘high-adrenaline theatrical experience’

Building Newman University’s bright future in science and health sciences

Dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies and Professor of Chemistry David Shubert, Ph.D. believes that, in the future, Newman University can double the number of students in science and… Continue reading Building Newman University’s bright future in science and health sciences


Staff Writers Clark Schafer Director of University Relations Daniel Murphy Web Technology Specialist Dana Beitey Content Marketing Coordinator Scarlett Cannata Digital Communications Specialist Student Writers Amy Emerson ’19

Newman University sponsors Angel Tree to help those in need this Christmas

This Christmas season Newman University is again sponsoring a Salvation Army Angel Tree for students, faculty, and staff to help make this Christmas special for someone in need. The Angel… Continue reading Newman University sponsors Angel Tree to help those in need this Christmas

Civil rights activist Richard Lapchick on the power of sports

Richard Lapchick, Ph.D. spoke to Newman University students, faculty, staff and alumni on Nov. 10, 2015.

Richard Lapchick, Ph.D. delivered his lecture “Diversity in Sports” to a group of Newman University students, faculty, staff and alumni on Tuesday, Nov. 10, covering civic and social issues including… Continue reading Civil rights activist Richard Lapchick on the power of sports

SGA Service Fair highlights volunteer opportunities

Rainbows United, Inc. attends Newman University Student Government Association's Service Fair Nov. 9, 2015.

Newman University fosters a culture of service, encouraging faculty, staff and, especially, students to serve their community. This week, the Newman University Student Government Association invited Wichita-area organizations, including Rainbows United,… Continue reading SGA Service Fair highlights volunteer opportunities

Newman Campus Ministry holding time of consecration to Jesus from Oct. 19 to Nov. 21

Newman Campus Ministry is helping students, faculty and staff who want to deepen their faith with a time of preparation for consecration to Jesus Christ. The prayerful journey began Oct.… Continue reading Newman Campus Ministry holding time of consecration to Jesus from Oct. 19 to Nov. 21

Visit advances new collaboration, expanded opportunities for Newman University students on the horizon

In the not-too-distant future, Newman University students could be taking some coursework to complete their major in the United Kingdom. That possibility along with plenty of “intercontinental bonding” took place… Continue reading Visit advances new collaboration, expanded opportunities for Newman University students on the horizon

Renowned expert and author on hunger David Beckmann to speak at Newman University Oct. 6

Rev. David Beckmann, author of Exodus from Hunger and a noted expert on overcoming hunger and poverty, will speak at Newman University at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 6 in… Continue reading Renowned expert and author on hunger David Beckmann to speak at Newman University Oct. 6